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[tor-dev] Reduce TBB/OSX from 32MB to 23MB
Hi all,
made the following tricks that you can find attached to reduce the size
of TBB/OSX from 32MB to 23MB .
With this tricks it's possible to send TBB/OSX via Gmail using Gettor.
It goes from:
32M /tmp/TorBrowser-2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
23M /tmp/TorBrowser-7z-wrap2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
Probably it would require some better cleanup and integration, that's
just a working poc.
# Reducing TBB from 32MB to 23MB
# Download TBB OSX
cd /tmp/
wget https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
# Size is 32MB
# du -sh /tmp/TorBrowser-2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
32M /tmp/TorBrowser-2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
# Install p7zip binary on system
# we use brew https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew
brew install p7zip
# Unzip TBB
unzip TorBrowser-2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
cd TorBrowser_en-US.app/Contents/MacOS
cp -pr /usr/local/Cellar/p7zip/9.20.1/ p7zip
# Strip strippable files (-1MB of uncompressed size)
find . -type f -exec strip -S -x -X {} \; 2> /dev/null
# Compress Firefox.app, Vidalia.app and tor
# Using those parameters we can save 1.5MB of additional size
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z a -mx=9 -md=64m -mfb=256 Firefox.app.7z Firefox.app
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z a -mx=9 -md=64m -mfb=256 Vidalia.app.7z Vidalia.app
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z a -mx=9 -md=64m -mfb=256 tor.7z tor
# Delete the uncompressed version
rm -rf tor Vidalia.app Firefox.app
# Modify the Shell Script wrapper of TorBrowserBundle
# To add automatic 1st launch 7zip decompression
vim TorBrowserBundle
# Decompress at first run
# Move to TorBrowser_en-US.app/Contents/MacOS/ directory
WORKDIR=`dirname $0`
echo "Verifying if TBB still need to uncompress itself..."
if [[ -f tor.7z && -f Vidalia.app.7z && -f Firefox.app.7z && -f p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z ]];
echo "Files tor.7z - Vidalia.app.7z - Firefox.app.7z available"
echo "Decompressing files..."
echo -n "...tor.7z..."
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z x tor.7z
echo -n "...Vidalia.app.7z..."
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z x Vidalia.app.7z
echo -n "...Firefox.app.7z..."
p7zip/lib/p7zip/7z x Firefox.app.7z
echo "Deleting archives..."
rm -f tor.7z
echo -n "...tor.7z..."
rm -f Vidalia.app.7z
echo -n "...Vidalia.app.7z..."
rm -f Firefox.app.7z
echo -n "...Firefox.app.7z..."
echo "Compressed files not found: TBB already uncompressed"
# Make a new ZIP image (better to use DMG)
cd ../../../
# Current size with built-in 7zip compressed app
du -sh TorBrowser_en-US.app
35M TorBrowser_en-US.app
# Create compresed archive
zip -r -9 TorBrowser-7z-wrap2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip TorBrowser_en-US.app
# New size of Compressed file
du -sh TorBrowser-7z-wrap2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
23M TorBrowser-7z-wrap2.2.34-3-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip
# Now move the file in some other place and just download and run it as usual
# The first run will compress and delete the internal .7z file transparently
I tried sending via GMAIL and it works fine.
I am confident that playing another little bit, using this method and going further, it would be possible to make additional reduction in size.
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