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Re: [tor-dev] Grailo.net is live (but very young)

>What is the Tor specific question here?

So the TOR Browser supports firefox add-ons? That's good to know, I assumed they were disabled or had to be blessed. That clearly was a poor assumption.

>There are a few Tor/proxy related Addons in Mozilla Addon. I'd read their source.

This is exactly what I needed!!! Thank you so much!!! I will put my implementation on github for peer review when we are a little carter down the road.


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 11:14 AM, adrelanos <adrelanos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Clay Graham:
> This is one reason we would like to create a client side plugin for the TOR
> browser. Any ideas how this would be done?

What is the Tor specific question here?

I think this is a normal Firefox question "how to create a Firefox
Addon? or do I misunderstand? Just make sure your Addon goes through Tor
and does not create a Tor Browser proxy bypass.

There are a few Tor/proxy related Addons in Mozilla Addon. I'd read
their source.


Or is you specific question how to get your new Addon installed by
default in Tor Browser?
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