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Re: [tor-dev] Testing in Tor [was Re: Brainstorming a Tor censorship analysis tool]

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Nick Mathewson <nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Simon <simonhf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  [...]
>> Tor seems to have good planning compared to most open source projects.
>> So I would be interested in hearing why testing is apparently 'falling
>> between the cracks'. Why isn't there just 10 times more test LOC?
> Not because of any hatred or disapproval of tests--just because
> nobody's written that 100 kloc of testing code yet.
> I think that's for two main reasons:
>   * We were in a hurry when we wrote lots of the stuff we wrote.

I'm not trying to start a flame war but this sounds similar to excuses
from fat people who don't want to do exercise :-) So I'm just going to
pretend you never wrote this :-)

>   * Large parts of the codebase have been written in a tightly coupled
> style that needs refactoring before it can be tested without a live
> Tor network at hand.

Much automated (unit) testing is done my mocking data structures used
by functions and/or mocking functions used by functions. This is
possible even with tight coupling.

Personally I think the most effective way to test with code coverage
is to test at the system/integration level to get the majority of
low-hanging-fruit coverage, and then make up the rest of the coverage
with more complicated-to-write unit testing. For the
system/integration level testing then it would be great to actually
start up a complete test Tor network e.g. on localhost, containing all
the components necessary for end-to-end testing using real UDP & TCP
traffic. Maybe some of the production code isn't beneficial for such
an end-to-end automated test right now, but that's the beauty of
developers writing their own tests; they can change the production
code to make it more easily support such activities. With an
end-to-end Tor network test then I would guess that 'happy path'
coverage would jump up to somewhere between 40% and 60%. At least
numbers in this range are what I have seen with other projects.

>   * Until Tor 0.2.2, our testing framework didn't let us have tests
> that touched global state, which made our tests in general pretty
> fragile.
>>   What
>> about implementing a new policy immediately: Any new production LOC
>> committed must be covered by tests, or peer reviewed and
>> democratically excluded?
> Goodness knows we need more review and testing.
> It doesn't seem fair to reject patches for lacking test coverage when
> they are patches to code that itself lacks coverage, though.  If you
> write a 5-line patch to connection_ap_rewrite_and_attach, for
> instance, you probably shouldn't be on the hook for refactoring the
> whole function to make it testable, though you will be hard-pressed to
> write any tests for that monster without a complete refactor.

I agree with you that it seems unfair. But the alternative is
systematically writing tests to cover all code which is unrealistic
and will never happen. There is no other alternative, or? The
developer who submits the patch has already comprehended the code in
question and is therefore in an excellent position to create the
necessary automated tests. Even if the patch comes without tests then
presumably the person reviewing and integrating and patch can start a
discussion and/or add the test for coverage themselves if necessary.

> It might be a reasonable goal to try to set a plan for increasing test
> coverage by a certain percentage with each release.

One thing is for sure, coverage figures won't improve much without
developer discipline :-( I've also seen teams where coverage is
enforced, but only prior to releasing and coverage expectations is set
below 100%, e.g. at 70% to 90%. Personally I think this is not good
for a bunch of reasons: The code being covered is long forgotten by
the developer and therefore the test code takes unnecessarily longer.
The developers/testers doing the test code will just go for the low
hanging fruit, just to get the coverage numbers up. Having to go back
and revisit code just seems like a chore and makes the word coverage
in the team seem like a dirty word instead of the joyous word which is
should be :-) It's a case of  'Look after the pennies and the pounds
will look after themselves' :-)

> If you like and you have time, it would be cool to stop by the tickets
> on trac.torproject.org for milestone "Tor: 0.2.4.x-final" in state
> "needs_review" and look to see whether you think any of them have code
> that would be amenable to new tests, or to look through currently
> untested functions and try to figure out how to make more of them
> tested and testable.

If I were you then I'd first try to create an end-to-end
system/integration test via localhost that works via make test. This
might involve refactoring the production code or even re-arranging
source bases etc. The test script would build and/or mock all
necessary parts, bring up the localhost Tor network, run a variety of
end-to-end tests, and shut down the localhost Tor network. Next the
makefiles should be doctored so that it is easier to discover the
coverage, e.g. something like make test-coverage ? At this point the
happy path coverage should be much larger than it is today but still
way off the desirable 80% to 100% range. At this point one would
consider adding the discipline to cover all new lines. The patch
author has the personal choice of using unit and/or system/integration
level testing to achieve coverage. And there is also a chance that no
extra coverage is necessary because the patch is already coverage in
the happy path.

If you like the end-to-end localhost Tor network idea then I would be
happy to collaborate on creating such a mechanism as a first step.


> yrs,
> --
> Nick
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