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Re: [tor-dev] Obfsproxy client for Android

On 02/11/2012 03:55 AM, Nathan Freitas wrote:
> sleep now, but should have a new Orbot proper build in 24 hours (with
> the help of Gsathya and Kensen from GP).

Quick update - good progress on Orbot. obfsproxy binary is fully
integrated into the Orbot Android app, and all the updates to torrc
configuration, etc are in and working. We have a build with bridges
enabled and 10 obfs bridges configured by default. The user can modify
this list through the existing Orbot settings screen.

I am going to sleep on this now a bit, do some more testing tomorrow,
post a public build, then ideally about 18 hours from now, put a build
up for release for Iranian users.

I've pushed what we have so far here:

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