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[tor-dev] Summary of meek's costs, January 2015
Here's the summary of meek's CDN fees for January 2015. Earlier reports:
App Engine + Amazon + Azure = total by month
February 2014 $0.09 + -- + -- = $0.09
March 2014 $0.00 + -- + -- = $0.00
April 2014 $0.73 + -- + -- = $0.73
May 2014 $0.69 + -- + -- = $0.69
June 2014 $0.65 + -- + -- = $0.65
July 2014 $0.56 + $0.00 + -- = $0.56
August 2014 $1.56 + $3.10 + -- = $4.66
September 2014 $4.02 + $4.59 + $0.00 = $8.61
October 2014 $40.85 + $130.29 + $0.00 = $171.14
November 2014 $224.67 + $362.60 + $0.00 = $587.27
December 2014 $326.81 + $417.31 + $0.00 = $744.12
January 2015 $464.37 + $669.02 + $0.00 = $1133.39
total by CDN $1065.00 + $1586.91 + $0.00 = $2651.91 grand total
Usage jumped up again in January after a relatively flat December.
(BTW thanks Karsten for getting the graph ready.)
meek has so far been a smashing success. It's the #2 pluggable transport
behind obfs3 and it moved over 5 TB of traffic last month. But the costs
are starting to get serious. We need to find a good source of funding
(e.g., donations), or else start degrading service in order to limit
costs. If you are interested in helping with costs, or you know another
good means of support, please get in touch with me (PGP AD1A B35C 674D
F572 FBCE 8B0A 6BC7 58CB C11F 6276).
== App Engine a.k.a. meek-google ==
Of the total of $464.37, $464.36 was covered by credits. But now we're
really out of credits. If you know someone who can get Google credits,
or wants to help cover the bill, please put them in touch with me.
Here is how the costs broke down:
2944 GB $353.31
2221 instance hours $111.06
== Amazon a.k.a. meek-amazon ==
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 147M requests $177.01 1122 GB $153.25
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 220K requests $0.27 1 GB $0.20
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 57M requests $68.07 378 GB $48.26
EU (Ireland) 92M requests $110.70 726 GB $56.80
South America (Sao Paulo) 2M requests $4.78 10 GB $2.37
US East (Northern Virginia) 31M requests $31.12 212 GB $16.17
total 329M requests $391.95 2449 GB $277.05*
* The total is $0.02 less than the sum of the subtotals, probably
because of rounding.
== Azure a.k.a. meek-azure ==
I haven't been able to get estimated costs out of Azure. However I
recently got an email that says, "...we are pleased to offer Microsoft
Azure sponsored accounts as part of our Azure for Research (A4R) grants.
The new model provides the ability to directly monitor Azure usage, and
more options and flexibility for using Azure features and services."
I'll try turning that on and see if it makes a difference.
David Fifield

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