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Re: xxx-draft-spec-for-TLS-normalization.txt

On Jan 31, 2011, at 3:59 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote:

> I'm not sure that an IP address is better than a random hostname.  Do
> any CAs issue certs where the CN is an IP address?  Do many
> self-signed certificates actually look that way?
> If the answers are "no" and "not many", then we'll probably be better
> off with randomly generated hostnames when we can't find a real
> hostname to use.

The answer is "yes and yes".

valid_names is CA-validated CNs from observed certs that browsers would consider valid:

mysql> select name from valid_names where name rlike '^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' limit 10 offset 1000;
| name            |
| |
| |
|  |
|  |
| |
| |
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
10 rows in set (1.03 sec)

all_names is all names, not just names from valid certificates:

mysql> select name from all_names where name rlike '^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' limit 10 offset 10000;
| name        |
| |
|   |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
10 rows in set (3.28 sec)

> There are two certificate profiles to imitate here: self-signed and
> CA-issued.  For self-signed ones, both DNs typically match, I think.
> This is worth checking too

I don't know, but I suspect, that mimicking a typical self-signed cert for an Apache HTTPS server install will blend in well. Certainly, there are many more self-signed certs than CA-signed certs. It might even work just fine to set the CN to an RFC 1918 address, rather than going to the trouble to sign the true publically-visible/-routable IP. There are TON of 10.* IPs in here.

>> Certificate serial numbers
> I'd want to back off here to see what certificates look like in the
> wild.  Do they look random?  Do they look like timestamps?  Do they
> increase sequentially?  Are they typically small for self-signed
> certificates?

Here are some examples from all_certs; you can see that they are kind of wackadoodle:

mysql> select `Serial Number` from all_certs limit 10 offset 10000;
| Serial Number                                   |
| 0a:bb:68:a0:59:18:bf:41:b9:e0:ca:77:78:1e:81:d8 |
|  945343 (0xe6cbf)                               |
|  2 (0x2)                                        |
|  1129306560 (0x434fd9c0)                        |
| c0:21:49:06:50:74:85:9e:c0:26:c0:82:38:0c:52:d9 |
| 33:e4:41:16:d4:92:b0:db:cc:5f:a4:48:cd:8a:15:67 |
| 04:37:f8:4c:1b:8f:91                            |
|  0 (0x0)                                        |
|  1171916762 (0x45da07da)                        |
| 31:47:86:bf:68                                  |
10 rows in set (0.59 sec)

mysql> select `Serial Number` from all_certs limit 10 offset 100;
| Serial Number                                   |
|  269 (0x10d)                                    |
|  1 (0x1)                                        |
| 23:2d:97:f0:0f:2a:44:85:e0:4c:40:7a:81:2a:bd:57 |
|  1879052797 (0x700011fd)                        |
|  1879051733 (0x70000dd5)                        |
|  7 (0x7)                                        |
|  1158643580 (0x450f7f7c)                        |
|  0 (0x0)                                        |
| a9:4f:56:e5:27:0a:c2:7c                         |
|  -1606448784 (-0x5fc07690)                      |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)

(love that negative one)

Serial numbers for valid_certs are more uniform and random-looking:

mysql> select `Serial Number` from valid_certs limit 10 offset 10000;
| Serial Number                                   |
| a1:ea:33:78:c4:80:ee:b1:f7:27:5a:0b:60:c7:b0:ef |
| 03:fd:e4:a0:4a:8e:6f:21:e8:03:69:38:7f:66:66:5a |
| 3b:b0:dd:a9:4a:db:c9:e7:c2:03:69:5c:f6:8c:ba:35 |
| 6d:9f:45:41:fe:80:9a:ea:75:bb:6a:25:45:e6:ec:c7 |
| a7:27:09:e9:2d:bb:ef:72:06:fc:78:b4:e5:4f:5d:31 |
| 1d:c3:ea:d4:8a:96:bb:95:0c:5e:47:3a:ae:68:ce:37 |
| 7c:4c:e4:45:bf:e2:96:63:0a:8e:1f:62:8d:0b:df:6f |
| 2b:33:c8:dc:ff:8a:e9:a3:99:65:4d:32:1a:90:f6:97 |
|  1260410972 (0x4b20585c)                        |
| 04:72:74:a1:f2:a1:fc                            |
10 rows in set (0.13 sec)

>> Practical key size
> Possibly; we should get data on this before we guess.  Also, as we
> start to support longer sizes, we may want a way to advertise "maximum
> allowed keysize" in the consensus to keep some wiseguy from making a
> 16384-bit key as a DOS attack.

I suspect a serious inquiry will find that the sizes between 1024 and 2048 are much less common than 1024 and 2048. Here is more anecdotal entertainment for you:

mysql> select RSA_Modulus_Bits from all_certs limit 10;
| RSA_Modulus_Bits |
| 1024             |
| 2048             |
| 2048             |
| 1024             |
| 768              |
| 1024             |
| 2048             |
| 2048             |
| 1024             |
| 2048             |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select RSA_Modulus_Bits from all_certs limit 10 offset 3000;
| RSA_Modulus_Bits |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
| 1024             |
10 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Anyway, I think a serious drive around in the database would help you guys nail down these practical concerns. Overall, I think this "normalize our OR certs" effort makes good sense.

Chris Palmer
Technology Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation