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Re: [tor-dev] Twisted-based Tor client performance measurement tool

On 1/23/13 10:19 PM, Linus Nordberg wrote:
> Linus Nordberg <linus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
> Wed, 23 Jan 2013 09:47:37 +0100:
> | All testing on FreeBSD 8.3, Python 2.7.3, Twisted 12.1.0 fail with an
> | exception that doesn't make much sense to me:
> That's now been fixed in twisted-socks (thanks meejah) and perfd works
> as expected both directly and over Tor.


> Karsten, let me know if you want me to test this more heavily somehow.

Thanks, but I think it's too early for more testing.  What this
prototype needs is more code to reach feature parity with current
Torperf.  That means implementing the Tor controller connection using
txtorcon and adding more timestamps to twisted-socks (or a local copy of
it).  Once we have that we can test it and maybe throw out most of the
existing Torperf code.  Will let you know once I make more progress there.


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