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[tor-dev] Help hacking Mumble

If you're into C++ or Qt, we could use some help. Mumble[0] is a free
software VoIP application that various people have had success
using with Tor. One problem using Mumble with Tor is that Mumble
doesn't abide by the native proxy settings when looking up Mumble
servers[1]. When using a Tor router device or Torsocks, the DNS
requests are just dropped. When using the native proxy settings, the
DNS requests still get sent out to the local ISP, not through the

The desired outcome is that if a SOCKS5 proxy is set, DNS requests get
sent through the SOCKS5 proxy. The proxy is set as g.s.ptProxyType, and
gets set when main.cpp calls NetworkConfig::SetupProxy(), which in turn
uses QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy. 

The window that makes these DNS requests is ConnectDialog.cpp, but
you'll want to look at Cert.cpp as well. 

I submitted a pull request[2] that allows users to completely turn off
automatic UDP and DNS traffic sent out to the big list of public Mumble
Servers. This does not stop the automatic DNS traffic that gets sent to
servers on the Favorite servers list though, which is where any
private servers you might want to connect to would be. 

Getting this fixed would be great for Tor because it would make VoIP
over Tor easier and safer for people on all platforms. Please help!

[0]: http://mumble.info
[1]: https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/issues/1033
[2]: https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/pull/1128
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