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[tor-dev] Tor metrics: Questionable relays-by-platform accounting

Looking at "Tor metrics - Relays by platform" [0] one could think
that the number of "FreeBSD" relays is only slightly lower than
the number of "Windows" relays.

It also looks like the number of "other" platforms is constantly
zero while the number of "Darwin" relays is unclear (but potentially
zero as well).

Obviously that's incorrect:

fk@r500 ~ $sudo -u _tor grep platform /usr/jails/tor-jail/var/db/tor/cached-descriptors | cut -w -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
6662 Linux
 555 Windows
 286 FreeBSD
  83 OpenBSD
  25 Darwin
  10 NetBSD
   4 SunOS
   4 ElectroBSD
   4 Bitrig
   2 DragonFly
   1 GNU/kFreeBSD
   1 CYGWIN_NT-10.0-WOW

Is it possible that the "Tor metrics" count everything but "Linux"
and "Windows" as FreeBSD?


[0] https://metrics.torproject.org/platforms.html

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