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Re: [tor-dev] Comparing Stem, metrics-lib, and zoossh

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 09:40:35AM +0100, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> Philipp, would you be able to write the Zoossh counterpart for the
> descriptor types supported by it?

I attached a small tool that should do the same thing Damian's script
does for consensuses and server descriptors.  Note, however, that it
cannot processed tar archives.  It expects as input directories that
contain consensuses and server descriptors.

You can compile it with "go build benchmark.go".

package main

import (


var processedCons int64 = 0
var processedDescs int64 = 0
var totalExits int64 = 0
var totalRelays int64 = 0
var totalBw uint64 = 0

func Min(a uint64, b uint64, c uint64) uint64 {

	min := a

	if b < min {
		min = b

	if c < min {
		min = c

	return min

func ProcessDescriptors(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {

	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
		return err

	if info.IsDir() {
		return nil

	consensus, err := zoossh.ParseDescriptorFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if (processedDescs % 100) == 0 {

	for _, getDesc := range consensus.RouterDescriptors {
		desc := getDesc()
		totalBw += Min(desc.BandwidthAvg, desc.BandwidthBurst, desc.BandwidthObs)

	return nil

func ProcessConsensus(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {

	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
		return err

	if info.IsDir() {
		return nil

	consensus, err := zoossh.ParseConsensusFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, getStatus := range consensus.RouterStatuses {
		status := getStatus()
		if status.Flags.Exit == true {

	return nil

func main() {

	if len(os.Args) != 3 {
		log.Fatalf("Usage: %s CONSENSUS_ARCHIVE DESCRIPTOR_ARCHIVE", os.Args[0])

	before := time.Now()
	filepath.Walk(os.Args[1], ProcessConsensus)
	after := time.Now()

	duration := after.Sub(before)
	fmt.Println("Total time for consensuses:", duration)
	fmt.Printf("Time per consensus: %dms\n",
	fmt.Printf("Processed %d consensuses with %d router status entries.\n",
		processedCons, totalRelays)
	fmt.Printf("Total exits: %d\n", totalExits)

	before = time.Now()
	filepath.Walk(os.Args[2], ProcessDescriptors)
	after = time.Now()

	duration = after.Sub(before)
	fmt.Println("Total time for descriptors:", duration)
	fmt.Printf("Time per descriptor: %dns\n",
	fmt.Printf("Processed %d descriptors.\n", processedDescs)
	fmt.Printf("Average advertised bandwidth: %d\n", totalBw/uint64(processedDescs))
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