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Re: [tor-dev] [RFC] Directory structure of prop224 onion services

> On 27 Jan 2017, at 01:58, David Goulet <dgoulet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> - "./hostname"    [FILE]
>>   This is a file containing the onion address of the onion service.
>>   As you can see it's the same filename as in v2. Should we suffix it with v3
>>   to make it clear that it's v3 onion? Would we ever have v2 and v3 onions
>>   living in the same directory?
> I don't believe we should suffix here because for almost 10 years, users/apps
> have been exposed to "hostname" and it does make sense that it's the goto file
> for that.

This works for applications that simply display the hostname without any
further processing.

But code that expects a short hostname file may become confused when
exposed to a longer hostname. It may fail silently, refuse to work,
or have some other issue.

Have you tested any applications that use the hostname file with longer

> Current implementation doesn't allow two services in the same HiddenServiceDir
> and for prop224, the ongoing implementation doesn't allow it either. Sharing a
> directory brings all sorts of uneeded complexity. So if the directory is v3,
> everything in it will be v3.

How does an application tell the difference between a v2 and v3

What's the supported method, that we will continue to support in
future, regardless of key or algorithm changes?


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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