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[tor-dev] introduction and progress toward an interactive version of a Tor metrics website

Hi Everyone,

I'm a mathematician/coder/visualization person living in San Francisco.

I've been in contact with Karsten Loesing about making more
interactive graphs for the tor metrics website.  I've made some
progress which can be viewed here:


You can select a region in the bottom graph to set the time domain of
the top graph.  You can click on the buttons on the right to add lines
to the graph.

It's still a work in progress, so there are still bugs and I've open
to suggestions on making it better.  Currently it only shows graphs
for network/relays data.  I'm planning on adding the ability to view
graphs for all the other data on the current tor metrics site.

The code lives here:


Walter Kim, Ph.D.
Mathematician and Engineering Contractor, San Francisco
+1-415-509-1429 (mobile)
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