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[tor-dev] [GSoC] Stem - Status update


The network status descriptor parsing has taken a lot longer than expected. I
should be putting it up for review soon. Followed by the microdescriptor

Given the current status of the project, I have prepared a revised schedule for the
remaining GSoC period. The final evaluation is about a month away. I have spoken
to Damian and we decided to reschedule the Arm port deliverable to after the
GSoC timeline (most likely the week immediately following the end of the GSoC
coding period).

July 25 - July 28ÂÂÂÂÂÂ Descriptor parsing
July 29 - August 4ÂÂÂÂÂ | Event handling methods for the controller class.
August 5 - August 11ÂÂÂ | I will be working on them as alloted to week 4, 5 and
August 11 - August 20ÂÂ | 6 from my original proposal[1].

1. https://www.torproject.org/about/gsocProposal/gsoc12-proposal-stemImprovements.html

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