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[tor-dev] Current plans for 0.4.1.x stable


We're currently on track to get a stable release out on the planned
release date (August 15), which would be seriously impressive for us.

To do this, we'll need to get a release candidate out by late July.
And in order to do _that_, we'll need to prioritize the remaining
0.4.1.x tickets.

Here are all the tickets currently labeled with the "041-should" and
"041-must" keywords:


Are any of these tickets items that we must do before 0.4.1.x can be
stable?  If so, we should label them with 041-must.  Please let us
know on the ticket if there is any must-do ticket _not_ labelled with

Additionally, we should mark all the items (typically CI-related) that
we can safely merge post-release.

best wishes,
tor-dev mailing list