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Branched Tor CVS

Hi, developers.

I've branched tor 0.1.0.x into a maintenance branch,
"tor-0_1_0-patches".  The trunk has been updated to start a new
development series, 0.1.1.x.

See the web page for more information on how to check out branches.
Or read your CVS manual.

This is the first time we've started the next unstable series before a
final release on the previous series, but

   a) Tor 0.1.0.x is very stable, and will soon be the primary
      recommended version.  It is probably better than the first
      released non-rc version of any previous series IMO.

   b) The patches are starting to pile up, as is the temptation to make
      small little changes that "couldn't possibly hurt anything" but
      which, as we all know, are sure to be insanely destablizing.

Nick Mathewson

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