Hi there, Ruben Garcia, who maintains the patched-for-Tor version of tsocks available at https://giig.ugr.es/~rgarcia/tsocks/ suggested to me that we merge his branch with my own patched version of tsocks bundled with Tork and maintain it in one place. This seemed a good idea to me. My own patches mainly addressed compiler warnings but also made the SOCKS defaults sensible for a Tor user, while Ruben's version had some patches from weasel that I wasn't aware of. I have created a CVS module on Tork's SF repository that will hopefully serve as the basis for all future Tor-related patching: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/tork co -P torsocks This module contains all the patches listed at: http://tork.cvs.sourceforge.net/tork/torsocks/patches/ It also contains the following additional improvements: - Support for gethostbyaddr. - Ported to an automake-based build system. - A history of all applied patches. - Various documentation/packaging related fixes suggested by Patrick Matthei. The following are items I hope to add in the near future: - Fully update the documentation to reflect the fact that this is a new fork of tsocks and is maintained separately. - More support for isc library calls. - Make thread-safe with --enable-threads. - Modify tsocks further to play nicely with tor. For example, prevent nonlocal UDP traffic from being sent at all. This is nice little side-project which I'm happy to maintain. The objective is to make torsocks the definitive fork for transparent socks use with Tor. I don't intend to advertise or distribute source bundles of torsocks myself (so the name is a statement of intended purpose only). I will keep it in the TorK repository until it's fit for the Tor project to host on svn (and distibute) and hopefully continue to maintain it there with anyone else who is interested. If it's not deemed suitable for the project to host I'll just continue to use it as a basis for the torksocks bundled with TorK. Please let me know if there are items you would like to see added to the TODO list (http://tork.cvs.sourceforge.net/tork/torsocks/TODO), or anything else that needs to be addressed.
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