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Re: [tor-dev] TorStatus

On 6/4/12 8:04 AM, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> TorStatus is, AFAIK, not maintained anymore.  But we developed Onionoo
> [0] and Atlas [1] as a TorStatus replacement.  Onionoo provides Tor
> status information in a JSON format and Atlas presents these data in a
> nice human-readable format.  You could set up an Atlas mirror (which
> only serves static content, because the heavy lifting is done via
> JavaScript on the client) using the current Onionoo host as data source
> or you could mirror both Onionoo and Atlas.  Happy to give you advice
> how to set up Onionoo.  Bug reports, feature suggestions, and of course
> patches would be highly appreciated.
> Best,
> Karsten
> [0] https://www.torproject.org/projects/onionoo.html.en
> [1] https://atlas.torproject.org/

I would suggest to rewrite onionoo in Python on the basis of STEM (or
extension of txtorcon):

https://gitweb.torproject.org/stem.git by atagar

It now have extensive parsers for Tor's cached-consensus i think it may
quickly provide the REST interface that Atlas need:

That way you can have a "single package" with Python App + Atlas,
without the overhead of Java given by onionoo.

Felix, consider also if you have time and it match your goals, to try to
write a self-contained windows/osx application using APAF (Anonymous
Python Application Framework http://github.com/mmaker/APAF ) merging
Atlas+Server-Python-Code for a Desktop application bundling Tor .

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