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Re: [tor-dev] Stem Proc Integration Tests

(Sorry, wasn't subscribed to tor-dev@, so these last couple of messages didn't go there...)

On 6/29/12 4:09 PM, Damian Johnson wrote:
I think the question here is that it seems like one should be able to get
all the descriptors from the running Tor process via

        GETINFO desc/all-recent

But there isn't any obvious stem API for this.  One could work around it
(e.g., do a get_info(), process a little, turn into a StringIO, and feed
that into the functions that want a file), but the real question is whether
stem expects clients to do that, or whether you think that should be part of
stem.  This is sort of a "how fat should stem be" kind of question.

Ahhh, gotcha. The controller is still in its infancy and maturing it
is Ravi's GSoC project. Yes, there *should* be methods for 'give me a
descriptor for fingerprint X' or 'give me a list of all the
descriptors' but they have not been implemented yet (that said, they'd
be very, very easy to write).

Should we wait for Ravi to implement this, or can we go ahead and do it ourselves as needed?

	- Norman

Norman Danner - ndanner@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://ndanner.web.wesleyan.edu
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Wesleyan University

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