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Re: [tor-dev] is the consensus document unpredictable / unique?

Hello again,

I am sorry, too tired and written something wrong:

On 6/26/2016 1:29 AM, s7r wrote:
> Very soon Tor will include an unique random value we call "Consensus
> Shared Randomness [SRVALUE]" in every consensus, you can just use that.
> This is proposal 250. This seams like a better standardized upstream
> solution with infinite better security properties, so I'd use this as a
> cookie. This has the advantage of having the same unique value on all
> nodes all the time: just filter and pair consensus SRVALUE + consensus
> valid-after timestamp and everyone will be requesting the SRVALUE of the
> same consensus, therefor producing the same result or fail if none.

This is not true. The SRVALUE will be the same for an entire day. So you
still need to hash the entire consensus if you need an unique value for
_every_ consensus or use SRVALUE if you need an unique value for a day.
Sorry again for not double reading my previous email.

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