Greetings Tor Community,
I am Sakchham Sharma a CS Undergrad student, I intend to participate in GSoC 2017 and contribute to the Tor Project. The Tor Project as so now is quite well known among the people with a technical background, but however, the people who don't belong to this category have little or no idea about Tor, they are perhaps the people that would benefit the most from Tor.
So in order to help people better understand about Tor, that how it is different from their VPN or Proxy service, I intend to an UI Redesign of the Orbot app for android, as of now it has a minimalistic UI and several UI glitches, an UI that also gives the users a subtle idea as to how tor works with be informative and should help more people know more about Tor, I would be grateful if I could get suggestions/improvements on the above idea.
Thank you.