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Re: moria1 and moria2 still on

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 09:57:41AM -0700, Wesley Kenzie wrote:
> > Answer two: moria2 isn't a v3 directory authority (though it 
> > is a v1, v2, and hidserv directory authority).
> GETINFO ns/name/moria2 shows the following:
> r moria2 cZvkXeIktgfFNwfQ4hQ+LUI+dM8 HyFqGCieCCKJvznJ2/Y03Clqu9E 2008-05-17
> 07:53:20 9002 9032
> s Authority Fast HSDir Named Running Stable V2Dir Valid
> So where and how can I determine that moria2 is not a v3 directory
> authority?

Take a look at add_default_trusted_dir_authorities() in src/or/config.c

I wonder if we should make a way to do it that doesn't require looking
at the code. Would a "tor --list-authorities" help perhaps? Nick/others,
any better suggestions (preferably ones that don't involve trying to
maintain another file in sync with the code)?

> > Answer three: questions like this should probably be on 
> > or-talk in the future.
> Sorry for my misunderstanding, but this seems clearly like a
> developer-related question/issue.

Ah, true, but it wasn't develop*ment*-related. Everybody on or-talk
wants the developers to answer their question, but that doesn't mean
they should all move to or-dev. :)
