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Re: [tor-dev] Tor Launcher settings UI feedback request

Thus spake adrelanos (adrelanos@xxxxxxxxxx):

> Mike Perry:
> > In those situations (which are the real reason we're asking *before*
> > connecting - we don't want those people to touch the public Tor network
> > before giving them the option not to), simply checking their system
> > proxy settings might not be sufficient. The user only needs their proxy
> > to make Tor work.
> Thought has been put into this before:
> - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2905
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/2905/xxx-no-public-network.txt

I was there for that disaster of a ticket, and wrote that outline. It
took a solid month of endless discussion and back and forth (and 4
months wall-clock time) just to get that outline, and after all of that,
people were still barely able to agree that the outline reflected the
situation, let alone what they wanted to do with their own sub-project.

> Seems that knowledge has been ignored when planing how tor-launcher
> should look like.

You'll note that from Line 75 of that outline you linked (that I wrote)
describes exactly what this is:

This thread is about exploring the idea of breaking that window into a
Wizard and/or minimizing it further, because usability people have told
us that a single pane with all of those questions is overwhelming at

As for the rest of that outline, I'm not going through that mess again.
The underlying Tor support for it is decided and implemented, and that
was all that mattered in the first place anyway. Other projects that
want to have their own Tor configuration can simply disable Tor
Launcher, or patch it to do what they want.

Mike Perry

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