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Re: Tor observations

On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 04:26:39PM -0800, Paul Holman wrote:
> Well, in my local tor log, I see this quite frequently:
> 	Nov 14 16:13:58.001 [warn] directory_initiate_command(): No running 
> dirservers known. This is really bad.
> I can only assume that is really bad.  What do I do about it?

That's fixed in cvs
(http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/Nov-2003/msg00080.html). The problem was
that it would try to pull down a directory every 15 minutes, and if that
dirserver was down, it wouldn't try it again. After 45 minutes offline,
it will have tried all 3 dirservers, and given up on them all.

I've fixed it so after it gives up on all the dirservers, it marks them
all as up and cycles through the list again. Hopefully when you get back
online it'll notice and recover to normal.

The pre14 release (coming real soon now ;) will have all the old bugs
fixed, plus a fresh set of new and exciting bugs.

> On the other hand, I have to say Tor is really working out.  I run it 
> on a Powebook (Mac OS X) which is constantly being put to sleep, and 
> forced to wake up on completely different networks.  Tor and Privoxy 
> are doing a stellar job of keeping up.  I've got over a week of uptime 
> with no problems at all.  The usability of Tor seems really good.  I 
> don't even notice the added latency most of the time.

Excellent. I'm glad it's working for more than just me. :)
