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Re: [tor-dev] Tor on TV (hemm, on WDTV!)

----- Original Message -----
> Think how cool it would be if all "Homebrew" wii users would be able
> to plug an SD with a ready-made Linux/Tor image and click on it, loading
> when Wii is not used (most of the time).
I thought about that two year a go or so, when collecting information for my talk on strange Tor ports. The main problem I see, here, is that the wii does not have a backgrounding system: the main application is loaded "in foreground" replacing the System Menu and that's all you can have running.
Yes, sure, you can have some nice Vidalia-style infographics on it but that's all. Or you can run Linux on it but from booting the open source kernel onward it's not different then running an ordinary PPC Linux distribution.

One interesting hack, don't know if possible though, would be that of running something *behind* the System Menu.

Marco Bonetti
Tor research and other stuff: http://sid77.slackware.it/
Slackintosh Linux Project Developer: http://workaround.ch/
Linux-live for powerpc: http://workaround.ch/pub/rsync/mb/linux-live/

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