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Tor 0.0.2pre13 prerelease is out

No need to upgrade unless you want to try the new features, or you just
want to be generally helpful with testing the next prerelease. Bug reports
welcome. :) Note that if you want to run it from within the sandbox still,
you'll need to include "-f torrc --routerfile ./dirservers". If you do
a make install, you simply have to run "tor".

Tor 0.0.2pre13 release notes

Improvements since 0.0.2pre12:

General stability:
  - SSL_write no longer fails when it returns WANTWRITE and the number
    of bytes in the buf has changed by the next SSL_write call.
  - Fix segfault fetching directory when network is down
  - Fix a variety of minor memory leaks
  - Dirservers reload the fingerprints file on HUP, so I don't have
    to take down the network when I approve a new router
  - Default server config file has explicit Address line to specify fqdn

  - Buffers grow and shrink as needed (Cut process size from 20M to 2M)
  - Make listener connections not ever alloc bufs

Autoconf improvements:
  - don't clobber an external CFLAGS in ./configure
  - Make install now works
  - create var/lib/tor on make install
  - autocreate a tor.sh initscript to help distribs
  - autocreate the torrc and sample-server-torrc with correct paths

Log files and Daemonizing now work:
  - If --DebugLogFile is specified, log to it at -l debug
  - If --LogFile is specified, use it instead of commandline
  - If --RunAsDaemon is set, tor forks and backgrounds on startup