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[tor-dev] [Draft Proposal] Scalable Hidden Services

Hi everyone,

This is a proposal I wrote to implement scalable hidden services. It's
by no means finished (there are some slight inconsistencies which I will
be correcting later today or tomorrow) but I want to make it public in
the meantime. I'm also working on some additional security measures that
can be used, but those haven't been written yet.

Many thanks to George for his initial feedback. I pushed this version to
my public repo, and will continue to push updates there.

In reality this is really 3.2 proposals, so the end result, if accepted,
will look significantly different, but I'm indecisive at this point
about which of the designs is least dangerous.

0. Introduction

    The current Hidden Service design allows a single node to upload a descriptor
    to the set of applicable Hidden Service Directories. This descriptor
    describes how a client can establish a connectiob wih the hidden service.

    A question arises when the hidden service receives more connections than
    it can handle. Perhaps this performance issue is not at the hidden
    service, but at the Introduction Points. In either case, the current design
    does not sufficiently handle this situation, as a result, some users have
    implemented ad-hoc solutions. Any improvements to the hidden service design
    should include mechanisms for providing scalable hidden service solutions.
    It is our hope that this proposal will provide such an option.

1. Overview

    With the implementation of this proposal a hidden service operator will
    have the ability to choose a methods by which connections to their hidden
    service are load balanced to more than one node for servicing a single
    hidden service. We begin by describing the necessary modifications to the
    hidden services descriptor in Section 2, then in Section 3 we explain a
    Master-Slave configuration, and follow that with a homogeneous nodes
    configuration in Section 4. Section 5 delves briefly into a limited-scope
    threat model, and Section 6 concludes with the references.

    Sections 3 and 4 each present the basic design of their system and then
    also describe two possible configurations based on the operators use case.

    Let it be understood that this proposal is largely based on, and
    supercedes parts of, the previously presented proposal "Migration to
    ed25519 HS identity keys and privacy-preserving directory documents" [0].
    The timeline for implementation of scalable hidden services also follows
    from the implementation of that proposal and as well as the implementation
    of the migration plan described in "On upgrading HS identity keys and on
    a new HS directory scheme that does not leak" [1]. Please see those
    proposals for more details.

    Scalable hidden services will not effect usability of the system and will
    not significantly change the maintainability of a multi-node hidden
    service. Single-node hidden services will not be impacted.

2. Descriptor Modifications

    To accomplish load balancing across multiple nodes two new optional fields
    are added to the hidden service descriptor [2]

      "additional-data" SP public-key

        [Any number]

        An ephemeral key that may be used to obtain a second descriptor from
        the designated hidden service directory server.
      "alternate-addresses" SP address NL

        [Any number]

        A secondary address by which the hidden service may be connected.

3. Master-Slave Configuration

    The first optional configuration consists of a master node
    and one or more slave nodes. When a master node exists, it is charged with
    maintaining the hidden service descriptor and servicing clients, while the
    slave nodes only service clients.

    In this proposal we describe two possible scenarios for implementing this
    paradigm. The first involves distributing a shared master secret key and
    the second takes advantage of the hidden services infrastructure to
    distribute client traffic to "sub"-hidden services.

3.1. Common Initialization

    The two scenarios have some common procedures. These include torrc
    configuration settings and master node selection. We will use the term
    'peer' to refer to the slave nodes.

    All nodes must create a new hidden service that will be used for
    communication between nodes. In this configuration all communication will
    take place between the master and a slave node, the slave nodes never
    communicate with each other.

    To configure this "management" hidden service we extend the use of the
    HiddenServicePort torrc option. Currently it is defined as

      HiddenServicePort VIRTPORT [TARGET]

    where VIRTPORT is a virtual port. If the value of VIRTPORT is a negative
    integer, we now define the hidden service as a management hidden service.
    The hidden service address and key management are unchanged.

    After all nodes have created a management hidden service, every other node
    must be told about it. To facilitate this, we introduce a new torrc
    option. The HiddenServicePeers option will take a list of hidden service

      HiddenServicePeers hostname1,hostname2,...

    One or more hostname will be expected on this line. The first node will be
    the master node. The hidden service operator is expected to configure all
    nodes with same hostnames and listed in the same order. Failure to do so
    will result in undefined behavior.

    After this is configured, the master node fetches the hidden service
    descriptor for all slave nodes. When it has retrieved all the descriptors
    or a 5 minute timeout period is exceeded then it proceeds to the next
    phase. If any descriptors were unavailable, then their respective hidden
    service is considered unavailable for a 1 hour period. The master node
    will attempt to refetch all descriptors, again, after 1 hour. This will
    ensure the master can always communicate with its peers. Similarly, all
    slave nodes fetch the master node's descriptor every hour.

    The next phase of initialization requires that the master node generate
    the public key pair for the hidden service to which users will connect.

3.2 Distributed Key

3.2.1 Key Distribution

    The first method we propose to distribute load among the peers is by
    simply distributing the master secret key to every node. It is extremely
    important that a malicious peer node is not within an operator's threat
    model if they choose this scenario. The only difference between a slave
    node and the master node is that the slave nodes decide not to publish a

    To transfer the key we introduce two new cell types


    KEY_FETCH is sent from the slave to the master, and KEY_FETCHED is sent
    from the master to the slave.

    The cell format of KEY_FETCH is

      VER   Version                      [1 octet]
      HN    Hostname                   [52 octets]
      XL    X point length              [2 octets]
      XP    X point                    [XL octets]
      SIG   Signature of above fields   [variable]

    Upon receiving this cell, the master node checks that the signature is
    correct using the public key included with the descriptor that maps to the
    provided hostname in HN. If HN was not specified on the HiddenServicePeers
    or the master node was unable to retrieve its descriptor or the signature
    is invalid, then the master node discards the cell. Otherwise, the master
    node forms a first-degree polynomial with x0 as the public hidden service's
    private key and x1 is a randomly chosen value. We will use a key transport
    protocol[3] to send the key to the slave node. We will also choose an
    appropriate modulus.

    [ Should we hardcode the modulus? ]
    The master node then constructs a KEY_FETCHED cell containing:

      VER   Version                      [1 octet]
      PHN   Public hostname            [52 octets]
      Y0L   Y0 point length             [2 octets]
      Y0P   Y0 point                  [X0L octets]
      X1L   X1 point length             [2 octets]
      X1P   X1 point                  [X1L octets]
      Y1L   Y1 point length             [2 octets]
      Y1P   Y1 point                  [Y1L octets]
      MDL   Modulus length              [3 octets]
      MD    Modulus                   [MDL octets]
      SIG   Signature of above fields   [variable]

    This cell is then sent back to the slave node. The slave node checks the
    signature using the public key it obtained in the descriptor it has for
    the master node. If it does not validate, the node the circuit. On
    success, the node reconstructs the curve using the two points it now has.
    It also verifies that public hostname in PHN is derived from the public
    key it computes. If any of these checks fail, the node makes an attempt to
    connect to the next hostname it has listed on the HiddenServicePeers
    line. If they all fail, then the node waits a full descriptor period,
    refetches the descriptors and tries again.

3.2.2 Distributed-Key Descriptor Creation

    The only prerequisite a master node must fulfill before it can publish
    the hidden service descriptor is to retrieve the introduction points from
    its peers so it can add them to the descriptor for the public hidden
    service. To accomplish this we introduce two additional cell types.


    The slave node sends a SEND_INTROPNT cell composed of:

      VER   Version                          [1 octet]
      NIP   Number of Introduction Points    [1 octet]
      IPS   Introduction Points             [variable]

    The master node replies with a INTROPNT_RECVD cell that has an empty payload.
    The slave node SHOULD use the same circuit for sending a KEY_FETCH cell
    and a SEND_INTROPNT cell.

    When the master node has received introduction points from each of its
    slave nodes or 5 minutes has past since it published the descriptor for
    its management hidden service, then it creates a new descriptor for the
    public hidden service. If the master node has more than N introduction
    points it chooses one of:

      A) Publishing the first N introduction points in the descriptor and the
         remaining in a separate descriptor, linked to by the address on the
         additional-data line.

      B) Only publish N introduction points. Select a different set of N
         introduction points when the descriptor is next published.

    Then it publishes the descriptor for the public hidden service.

3.3. Layered Addressing

3.3.1 Address Distribution

    The second method we propose for distributing load among multiple nodes is
    to create an abstraction layer. Similar to the design proposed in 3.2,
    we maintain the master-slave configuration, but the secret key is
    distributed in a need-to-know fashion. This potentially increases the
    security of the key for a short time, and therefore limits the threat of
    compromise, however it also increases the probability that node failure
    will result in the hidden service being unavailable.

    Every slave node generates a second hidden service, in addition to its
    management hidden service. Each slave then send this address to the master
    node. To do this, we introduce two new cell types:


    A slave node sends the TELL_HSADDR cell as:

      VER   Version                       [1 octet]
      HN    Hostname                    [52 octets]
      LEN   Address length                [1 octet]
      ADR   Address                    [LEN octets]
      SIG   Signature of above fields    [variable]

    Upon receiving this cell, the master node checks that the signature is
    correct using the public key included in the descriptor that maps to the
    provided hostname in HN. If HN was no specified on the HiddenServicePeers
    or the master node was unable to retrieve its descriptor or the signature
    is invalid, then the master node discards the cell. If the cell is
    validated, then the address is accepted and the master node replies using
    a HSADDR_LEARNED cell with an empty payload.

3.3.2 Layered-Addressing Descriptor Creation

    When the master node has received an address from each of its
    slave nodes or 5 minutes has past since it published the descriptor for
    its management hidden service, then it creates a new descriptor for the
    public hidden service using to "alternate-addresses" line to specify the
    hidden service addresses for the slave nodes. If the master node has more
    than N addresses it chooses one of:

      A) Publishing the first N addresses in the descriptor and the
         remaining in a separate descriptor, linked to by the address on the
         additional-data line.

      B) Only publish N addresses. Select a different set of N addresses when
         the descriptor is next published.

    Then it publishes the descriptor for the public hidden service.

3.3.3. Master Node

    If the master node becomes unavailable then the hidden service will not be
    able to publish new descriptors. To prevent this from occurring, we
    reusing the logic from section 3.2 and share the master secret key
    with the lesser of "the next two nodes listed on the HiddenServicePeers
    line following the current master, in a circular list" and "the next 1/3
    of all nodes on the HiddenServicePeers line following the current master,
    in a circular list". All nodes that do not meet this criteria SHOULD
    securely expunge knowledge of the key.

    All slave nodes will attempt the next potential master node if the
    current master if unreachable.

4. Homogeneous

    Section 3 discussed scaling hidden services using a master-slave model.
    This is useful in some cases, and easier, but is not ideal or safe in all.
    As such, we describe a solution involving only peer nodes. Whereas we had
    a predefined master node, now we will have an agreed-upon captain.

4.1. Common Initialization

    The two scenarios in this section have some common procedures. These
    include torrc configuration settings and captain selection. We will use
    the term 'peer' to refer to all other nodes that comprise a multi-node
    hidden service.

    All nodes must create a new hidden service that will be used for
    communication between nodes. In this configuration all communication will
    take place between all nodes, creating a clique.

    Exactly as described in Section 3.1, to configure this "management" hidden
    service we extend the use of the HiddenServicePort torrc option. Currently
    it is defined as

      HiddenServicePort VIRTPORT [TARGET]

    where VIRTPORT is a virtual port. If the value of VIRTPORT is a negative
    integer, we now define the hidden service as a management hidden service.
    The hidden service address and key management are unchanged.

    After all nodes have created a management hidden service, every other node
    must be told about it. To facilitate this, we introduce a new torrc
    option, also described in Section 3.1. The HiddenServicePeers option will
    take a list of hidden service addesses.

      HiddenServicePeers hostname1,hostname2,...

    At least one hostname will be expected on this line. The hidden service
    operator is expected to configure all nodes using same hostnames in the
    same order. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior.

    We also define 4 new relay commands:


4.2.1. Peer-Contributed Key Generation

    The public hidden service's private key will be created from input
    provided by all available peer nodes on first-launch. The resulting
    private key will be known by all nodes.

    At initialization-time every peer will request the hidden service
    descriptor for every address on its HiddenServicePeers line. If a
    descriptor is unfetchable for a D minute period then the peer is
    considered unavailable and is not included in the key generation process
    by the node.

    After a node retrieves all descriptors or reaches the D minute limit, it
    then establishes a connection with all available peers. If a connection
    can not be established with a peer within a period of E minutes then the
    peer is considered to be unavailable and is not included in the key
    generation process by the node.

    When a connection is successfully established, the node sends a PREAUTH
    cell to the hidden service containing the following:

        VER    Version      [1 octet]
        HN     Hostname   [32 octets]
        SIG    Signature  [64 octets]

    [ XXX We don't want the hidden service to initiate authentication with
      an AUTH_CHALLENGE so we use this as a seed. ]

    When the hidden service receives this cell, it checks that the specified
    hostname was listed on its HiddenServicePeers line. If it was not then it
    destroys the circuit. Otherwise it checks that the signature is valid for
    the public key provided in the hidden service descriptor. If it is not
    valid then the hidden service destroys the circuit. Otherwise it creates
    a temporary mapping between the circuit and the specified hostname. It
    then responds with an AUTH_CHALLENGE cell.

    The node then creates an AUTHENTICATE cell as defined in Section 4 of
    Proposal 220 [ Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519 ] but the CID, SID,
    SCERT and TLSSECRETS MUST be zero-filled. The hidden service then verifies
    the content. The circuit is destroyed if authentication fails. If
    successful the node sends a CONTRIB_KEY cell to the hidden service. The
    content of this cell is the peers contribution to the master key.

    A CONTRIB_KEY's payload contains:

        VER    Version              [1 octet]
        KEY    Key Material       [64 octets]

    After the node's contribution is sent to all available peers and the node
    receives contributions from all available peers the node then computes
    a preliminary master key by XORing all contributions together. The node
    then sends this prelimilary key to all its peers in a PRELIM_KEY cell and
    likewise receives a cell from all peers. These transfers MUST occur over
    the same circuits that were previously authenticated. If the circuit was
    destroyed after successful authenication then a new circuit must be
    established and reauthenticated, as defined by a PREAUTH, AUTH_CHALLENGE,
    and AUTHENTICATE transaction.

    A PRELIM_KEY's payload is the same as the CONTRIB_KEY's payload. The KEY
    cell will also have the same format.

    When the node has received a PRELIM_KEY cell from its peers it determines
    which value was sent by at least two-thirds of its peers. If no value
    reaches this ratio then the process is restarted. If a common value
    exists then this is the private key for the public hidden service. The
    node then sends this key to its peers in a KEY cell, thus making certain
    all nodes agreed on the private key. Again, if two-thirds of the keys
    are not in agreement then the process is restarted.

4.2.2. Single Node Key Generation

    A simpler alternative to Peer-Contributed Key Generation is to allow a
    node generate the private key and share it with the its peers.

4.2.3. Key Retreival

    If a node is added to the set of peers after key generation takes place
    then it must be able to seamlessly retrieve the key. This is done the using
    the same method introduced in Section 3.2 with the addition that any node
    may be queried.

4.2.4. Captain Selection

    When all nodes holds the secret key they are all capable of generating
    the hidden service descriptor. The node that creates the descriptor is
    the first available node listed on the HiddenServicePeers line, in a ring.
    When the current captain is not available, the peers declare the next
    node as the new Captain.

4.2.5. Introduction Point Distribution

    Before a new descriptor can be published the captain should obtain the
    introduction points for its peers. To accomplish this, every node sends
    the captain its set of introduction points using the SEND_INTROPNT cell
    and receives an acknowledgement with an INTROPNT_RECVD cell defined in
    Section 3.2. The captain includes a subset of these introduction points
    in the descriptor.

4.2.6. Descriptor Publication

    As described in Section 3.2,2 the Captain follows the same logic as the
    Master node.

4.3.1. Layered Addressing

    This is a mix of Section 3.3 and 4.2 whereas each node has the private
    key and can create a hidden service descriptor, but scalability is
    achieved by a level of indirection and clients connect to a secondary
    hidden service, specific to a node rather than the public hidden
    service address derived from with the private key generated in
    Section 4.2.1 or 4.2.2.

    [ XXX This section will remain mostly unspecified unless it is decided
      that this is an advantageous design. ]

5. Threat Model

    The security of scalable hidden services is bounded by the protections
    that Tor can provide. As such, users of hidden services and inter-hidden
    service communication are current assumed to be suseptible to
    end-to-end correlation and traffic confirmation attacks, scalable
    hidden services do not solve this problem or any other known attack.

    Scalable hidden services, the same as hidden services, do not solve
    deanonymization attacks on the application layer; this is true for both
    client and server (i.e. hidden services do not prevent deanonymization
    due to vulnerabilities in Firefox nor PHP) targets.

    Scalable hidden services introduce additional attack vectors compared to
    single-node hidden services. As a result, the protocol should be designed
    under the assumption that the nodes are not compromised but that a
    single node can not influence the availability of another node except if
    the compromised node was selected as the node that creates the hidden
    service descriptor.

    It is difficult to hide the size of a multi-node hidden service. These
    designs reveal the same amount of information to the Tor network as
    single-node hidden services but allow clients to potentially estimate the
    size of the service. By placing the burden of attacking hidden services
    at the client-end, this allows each node in a scalable hidden service to
    maintain the same level of security as an individual single-node hidden

6 References

[0] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-October/005536.html
[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-October/005534.html
[2] https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/rend-spec.txt#l219
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