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[tor-dev] GetTor development status

Hi people.

We've been working very hard to get GetTor deployed as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I'd like to tell you what we've been up to.

1) Changed from logging quite a bit of stuff, to not logging at all. GetTor actually creates log files, but they remain empty. We'll see what we need to log on the way.

2) Changed from keeping stats about the requests (os, locale, etc) to just keep a counter to know how many requests we've received so far. The only exception is with some info necessary to avoid flood, namely: the hashed user, number of requests for that user and the last time that user made a request. All of this is stored in a SQLite database.

3) For now we'll only send Dropbox links. We now use long urls with the ?dl=1 prefix to automatically download the file, instead of the old short urls used (during the revamp). You can see an example of what urls should be sent on [1]. We hope to implement other providers in the future. We'll need an official Dropbox account for this, this is one of the things we're waiting to deploy.

4) You can check a template of the message that should be sent when sending the links on [2], under the "links_msg" msgid. The interpolated info is: operating system, locale, the links (see [1] for links format). We're working on making this as usable as possible, so any thought on this is very welcome!

5) I still have pending an script to synchronize with the latest version of TBB on dist.tp.o and upload that to Dropbox. Help here is very welcome too.

I think that is for now. Any comment/feedback is welcome. If you have any crazy ideas about new ways to distribute the TBB with GetTor, please tell us. I have created two files in the Github repo: providers [3] and distribution_methods [4]. Make a pull request if you're feeling inspired :)

[1] https://github.com/ileiva/gettor/blob/master/providers/dropbox.links
[2] https://github.com/ileiva/gettor/blob/master/lang/smtp/i18n/en/LC_MESSAGES/en.po
[3] https://github.com/ileiva/gettor/blob/master/providers.txt
[4] https://github.com/ileiva/gettor/blob/master/distribution_methods.txt

happy hacking,
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