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[tor-dev] Pluggable transport weekly meeting - Friday Sept 13

Hello pluggable transport devs,

As there was no objection to the proposed time, we are going to have our
first one today/tomorrow:

Friday - Sept 13
CEST: 18:00
BST (Summer GMT): 17:00
UTC: 16:00
EST: 12:00
MNT: 10:00
PST: 9:00

@ #tor-dev on irc.oftc.net

And stick to it in future. The format will be scrum-esque. At the
beginning we'll ask who likes to participate. Then we ask each
participant in some order to give a short update on what they have done
last week, what will be doing in the coming week and if they have
any questions/problem they want to ask from/share with  other

We hope to be able to keep it under 30min, so if you find your peer for deeper
detailed discussion then you might want to keep the discussion for after
the meeting. Thanks!

Hopefully See you all,
tor-dev mailing list