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[tor-dev] Message to obfsproxy maintainers: New obfsproxy/pyptlib releases

Hey people,

some days ago I pushed new releases for obfsproxy and pyptlib. Latest
releases are obfsproxy-0.2.3 and pyptlib-0.0.4:

Please upgrade the packages if you are interested :)

The new releases add some nice features and bugfixes (see ChangeLog
files). Also, obfsproxy-0.2.3 depends on pyptlib-0.0.4 so it would be
great if you could upgrade both packages.

(There is probably going to be another release in the next two
weeks. I will keep you posted when it happens.)


PS: I have CCed the obfsproxy maintainers for Debian, FreeBSD, Arch
    and Gentoo. Sorry if I forgot someone else.
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