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[tor-dev] Kickoff Meeting Times for Project Otter [all next week]

There seem to be relatively good times for all three Project Otter
kickoff meetings next week.

There's no need to RSVP, but if you can't make it and have something
to contribute please try to provide that input as soon as possible in
the form of a "comments" section on the relevant page on the wiki.

Otter index page:

All the meetings will be held in #tor-dev on `irc.oftc.net`. Here are the times:

* Attentive Otters [IM bundle]: Weds 2013-10-02 1100-1200 Pacific
* Boisterous Otters [Help/outreach/l10n]: Weds 2013-10-02 0900-1000 Pacific
* Cute Otters [Hidden services & publishing]: Weds 2013-10-02 1600-1700 Pacific

If you have other questions or there are other problems, please reply here.

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