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The Marionette documentation.

Marionette Manuals for review

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Helmsen <john.helmsen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 9:34 AM
Subject: Manuals
To: "Ianculovici, Ciprian" <IanculoviciC@xxxxxxxxx>

John Helmsen
C: (301) 273-4372

John Helmsen
C: (301) 273-4372


This is the browser demonstration page

## Browser Setup

Testing Marionette is best done through the Firefox browser.  If you do not have a copy of Firefox, download it [here](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/).

### Activate the Proxy

Go to:

``Firefox > Preferences > General > Network Proxy``

- Set the proxy button to Manual Proxy Configuration.
- Set the SOCKS host to the machine to the incoming port on the Marionette client (Probably localhost and port 8079)
- Make sure that the SOCKS v5 Radio button is depressed.
- Check the box marked "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5"

### Secure the DNS

Although the code can work through the proxy with the above data, Firefox does not yet have its DNS fully going through the proxy.  To fix this:

- Type about:config into the search bar.  This will open the advanced settings for the browser.
- Go to the term media.peerconnection.enabled 
- Set it to false by double clicking on it.

## Installation (Docker)

For this demo, please we will use the v0.1 Docker image. You'll need to have Docker
installed. You can find instructions for specific operating system here:

Once docker is installed, then download the appropriate docker file from the v0.1 release of Marionette.  The file can be found here:


To install the docker file in docker:

$ gunzip redjack-marionette-0.1.gz
$ docker load -i redjack-marionette-0.1

### Running using the Docker image

Next, run the Docker image and use the appropriate port mappings for the
Marionette format you're using. `http_simple_blocking` uses
port `8081`:

$ docker run -p 8081:8081 redjack/marionette server -format http_simple_blocking

$ docker run -p 8079:8079 redjack/marionette client -bind -format http_simple_blocking

If you're running _Docker for Mac_ then you'll also need to add a `-server` argument:

$ docker run -p 8079:8079 redjack/marionette client -bind -server docker.for.mac.host.internal -format http_simple_blocking

Start wireshark on the loopback network and watch the packets.

(Note, if wireshark is not displaying the packets as HTTP, go to:

``WireShark > Preferences > Protocols > HTTP``
 and add port 8081 to the port list.

### Surf

Look at your favorite webpage(s).  The system is fairly reliable now, but in the event that the connection drops, then:

- Stop the server and the client
- Restart the server and the client (in order)
- Refresh the page
- Report the error

This is a Go port of the [marionette][] programmable networy proxy.

## WebBrowser Demonstration

Please install Marionette as described below, and then go to the web browser
demonstration page [here](./BrowserDemo.md)

## Development

### Installing on CentOS

Ensure you have a C/C++ compiler installed:

$ yum group install -y "Development Tools"

also make sure that you have the proper version of shasum installed by running:

$ yum install -y perl-Digest-SHA
### Installing Third Party Libraries

Marionette requires several dependencies to be installed first. Two of them
are in the `third_party` directory and the third one can be downloaded from
the web.

You can use the `./build_third_party.sh` script in the root of this repository
to build the third party libraries:

* OpenFST
* re2

or follow the instructions below to manually
build them or install them system wide.

### Installing OpenFST

You must use the included `third_party/openfst` implementation. Also note that
static builds must be enabled via the `--enable-static` flag.

$ cd third_party/openfst
$ ./configure --enable-static=yes
$ make
$ sudo make install

### Installing re2

You must use the included `third_party/re2` implementation:

$ cd third_party/re2
$ make
$ sudo make install

### GMP

Download the latest version of [GMP][], unpack the
archive and run:

$ wget https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2
$ tar -xvjf gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2
$ cd gmp-6.1.2

$ ./configure --enable-cxx
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make check

### Building the Marionette Binary

First, make sure you have installed Go from [https://golang.org/][go]. Next,
install `dep` using [these instructions][dep].

Finally, retrieve the source, update project dependencies, and install the
`marionette` binary:

$ go get github.com/redjack/marionette
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/redjack/marionette
$ dep ensure
$ go install ./cmd/marionette

The `marionette` binary is now installed in your `$GOPATH/bin` folder.

[marionette]: https://github.com/marionette-tg/marionette
[GMP]: https://gmplib.org
[go]: https://golang.org/
[dep]: https://github.com/golang/dep#installation

## Installing new build-in formats

When adding new formats, you'll need to first install `go-bindata`:

$ go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...

Then you can use `go generate` to convert the asset files to Go files:

$ go generate ./...

To install the original [marionette][] library for comparing tests, download
the latest version, unpack the archive and run:

## Testing

Use the built-in go testing command to run the unit tests:

$ go test ./...

If you have the original Python marionette installed then you can run tests
of the ports using the `python` tag:

$ go test -tags python ./regex2dfa
$ go test -tags python ./fte

## Demo

### HTTP-over-FTP

In this example, we'll mask our HTTP traffic as FTP packets.

First, follow the installation instructions above on your client & server machines.

Start the server proxy on your server machine and forward traffic to a server
such as `google.com`.

$ marionette server -format ftp_simple_blocking -proxy google.com:80
listening on [::]:2121, proxying to google.com:80

Start the client proxy on your client machine and connect to your server proxy.
Replace `$SERVER_IP` with the IP address of your server.

$ marionette client -format ftp_simple_blocking -server $SERVER_IP
listening on, connected to <SERVER_IP>

Finally, send a `curl` to `` and you should see a response from

$ curl

Design Document

This document describes the overall design of the marionette system and how
each piece works together to form the whole program.

## Overview

From a high level, marionette exists as a client proxy and a server proxy.
These proxies allow the client to send data to a port and the proxies encrypt
data which can be formatted to look like other data (e.g. HTTP traffic, FTP
data, etc). The server proxy receives this formatted data and decrypts it and
sends the original data to an endpoint (a hostport or SOCKS5 proxy).

Initially, the user must start up both the `marionette client` &
`marionette server` using to connect to each other. Both must specify the same
MAR specification document. This document declares a deterministic, finite state
machine that each side will execute. By executing the same steps in the same
sequence, both sides can encrypt/decrypt data together.

The overall data flow works as such:

1. Client application connects to the _client proxy_'s incoming port.

2. The client proxy opens a new _stream_ which is given a unique identifier.

3. The client proxy has a continually running _finite state machine_ running
   internally. When this FSM executes a directive to send data, the FSM will
   request data from any incoming stream. This data is marshalled into a _cell_
   which specifies the stream identifier, stream sequence number, document hash,
   payload size, and payload.

4. The marshalled cell is then encoded using either `fte` (Format-Transforming
   Encryption) or `tg` (Template Grammar). The `fte` encoding works by passing
   a regular expression to `libfte` and it will format the cell data to match
   the expression. The template grammar uses more specific rules encoded within
   the `tg` plugin.

5. The encrypted, formatted data is sent over the connection to the server

6. The server proxy is also running the same finite state machine but instead of
   sending data it expects to receive data. When the FSM executes the directive
   to receive data, it will read from the incoming connection and pass to
   `libfte` to decrypt the formatted message to produce the original cell data.

7. The cell data is passed to a _stream set_ which multiplexes many streams
   over the single connection.

8. The original payload data is then forwarded onto a hostport or to a SOCKS5

## Components

### Client Proxy

The client proxy is a simple proxy which opens an incoming port and waits for
new connections. When a new connection is opened, a new stream within the
client stream set is created using the `Dialer`. Separate goroutines are
started to copy the incoming connection data to the stream and to copy
incoming stream data to the connection.

By default, the client proxy opens a listener on port `8079`.

### Server Proxy

The server proxy is similar to the client proxy—it opens an incoming port and
waits for new connections. The port opened by the server proxy, however, is
defined by the MAR document format used. For example, `http_simple_blocking`
specifies port `8081` in its header:

connection(tcp, 8081):

Once a connection is received, it is handed off to a SOCKS5 server, if
specified, otherwise a network connection is opened to a specified hostport.
Separate goroutines are created to copy to & from the incoming connection and
outgoing connection.

### Dialer

The marionette dialer opens a single network connection to the marionette server
on initialization. It implements a `Dial()` method with the same signature as
Go's `net.Dialer.Dial()` so it can be used interchangeably. When `Dial()` is
invoked, the dialer obtains a new stream from the associated stream set which
handles multiplexing over the single connection.

The dialer handles the continuous execution of the FSM as well to ensure that
send & receieve directives are constantly being made available for any incoming
and outgoing data.

### Listener

The marionette listener works similar to the dialer but for the server side. It
implements the `net.Listener` interface. When a listener accepts a network
connection from a dialer, it creates a new stream set to multiplex individual
streams over that connection. A new FSM is also created and continually executed
so that it is in sync with the FSM on the dialer side.

### Stream & Cells

A stream represents a logical connection between the client and server. Streams
are multiplexed over a single network connection by using cells which are
essentially packets of data with additional identifying information.

In addition to the payload, cells have several fields:

- Type: Identifies cell as a normal payload or an end-of-stream.

- StreamID: Which stream this belongs to. Used for multiplexing.

- SequenceID: Allows for ordering of cells. Each new cell gets an incrementing
  sequence number. This allows for cells to arrive out of order.

- UUID: A hash of the MAR document. This ensures a connection is executing the
  same finite state machine.

- InstanceID: A randomly generated unique identifier for the connection. This
  is generated by the initiating party (typically the `client`).

On the read side, streams contain a sorted list of received cells. If a new cell
is the next expected sequence then it is unpacked and the payload is added to
the read buffer until it is full. When the user reads from the stream, the
buffer is drained and new cell data can be added to the end.

On the write side, data is added to a write buffer by the user. When the FSM
invokes a directive to send data then it requests a certain number of bytes
from the write buffer and those are wrapped into a cell with the appropriate
type, stream id, sequence id, UUID, & instance id.

The stream maintains notification channels (`ReadNotify()` & `WriteNotify()`)
to allow the FSM to determine when new data is made available on the read or
write side, respectively.

### Stream Set

The stream set contains the set of all open streams and performs the
multiplexing of streams over a single connection on both the client side and
server side. It also generates the random stream id on stream creation.

On the read side, the stream set chooses a random stream from the set of all
streams with pending data and extracts a cell. On the write side, the stream set
inspects the cell's stream id and delegates the cell to the appropriate stream
in the set.

The stream set also maintains a write notification channel to notify the user
when any stream in the set has a write available.

### FSM

The finite state machine (FSM) is the execution engine for the MAR document
format processed in unison by the client and server. The FSM is party aware
(e.g. `client` or `server`) and only executes actions for its party.

An FSM is executed from its `start` state to its `end` state and finally
transitioned to a `dead` state when it is complete. When `Execute()` is called,
the FSM continuously calls `Next()` to attempt to transition to the next
available state. A transition is successful when all actions in the transition's
action block for the party are completed without error. An error in an action
can occur for several reasons such as not having enough data received to

One special error state exists when the non-initiating party first receives a
cell with the instance id. The instance id is used by  both parties to seed a
PRNG (psuedo-random number generator) which is used to "randomly" select steps
in the MAR document where applicable. Because these "random" choices need to be
the same for both the client & server, a party that receives a new instance id
restarts the FSM from the beginning and replays all its steps that have

MAR documents can have multiple transitions from a single state:

1. Non-error transitions with a given probability.
2. Error transition.

First, all non-error transitions are collected and one is chosen based on
probability. If it can be executed successfully then the state is transitioned
to the new destination state. Next, the error transition is executed if the
non-error transition fails. If the error transition is successful then the
state is moved to the error transition's destination state.

A transition's actions are executed in order. If any returns an error then the
whole transition fails. Some actions can be conditionally executed based on 
a regex match of incoming data. Actions are simply invocations of plugin

FSMs provide a few additional services to plugins such as a variable scope as
well as FTE cipher & DFA caches for faster encryption/decryption.

### regex2dfa

The `regex2dfa` library is used by marionette to generate a state transition
table for a given regular expression. This table, however, is opaquely generated
and passed to the `libfte` library and is not inspected by marionette.

The `regex2dfa.Regex2DFA()` function wraps this library to provide safe
concurrent access to the underlying C++ library.

This library relies on `OpenFST` and `re2` for converting regular expressions
to state transition tables.

### fte

The `libfte` library's `Rank()` and `Unrank()` functions are used by marionette
to convert to & from binary data and a `big.Int` in order to generate covertext
that matches a given input regular expression.

The `fte` package also provides an encryption layer before converting to
covertext using AES-ECB for the message length, AES-CTR for the plaintext body,
and a SHA512+HMAC signature.

This library relies on `gmp` for big number support.
Developer Manual

This is guide for developers interested in writing their own Marionette
specifications using the MAR language. End users can refer to the user
manual instead to simply use the client and server tools with existing
MAR documents.

## Overview

The MAR language specifies a state machine that Marionette uses to obfuscate
communication between the client and server. Because the language is
deterministic, the client and server can both independently execute the same
MAR document and achieve the same result.

A list of pre-built MAR files can be found in the `mar/formats` folder of the
`marionette` repository.

## Structure

The MAR document contains 3 main parts:

1. Header
2. Transitions
3. Action Blocks

### Header

The header specifies the transport and port on the first line in the following

connection(TRANSPORT, PORT):

- `TRANSPORT` must be `tcp` or `udp`.
- `PORT` must be a number in the valid TCP range (1-65535).

The `PORT` may also be a variable name that can be used by `channel.bind()` &
`model.spawn()`. An example of this can found in the `ftp_simple_blocking` &
`ftp_pasv_transfer` documents.

### Transitions

The lines that follow specify the FSM state machine transitions in the following


- `SOURCE` is the state to transition from.
- `DESTINATION` is the state to transition to.
- `ACTION_BLOCK` is the name of the action block to execute.
- `PROBABILITY` is the probability of execution, between `0.0` and `1.0`. This format location can also take on the value `error`.

The state machine always starts in the `start` state and document should always
end up in the `end` state. A special `dead` state is added after the `end` state
by the FSM evaluator. The `action` state name is not allowed.

The probability for transitions that share a common source state should add up
to `1.0`.

The error transition is an epsilon state which is activated when none of the other states can be transitioned to.

### Action Blocks

Action blocks specify a series of actions to perform by either the client or
server when a transition is made. If any actions fail then the transition is

Action blocks are specified as follows:

action NAME:

- `NAME` is the name used by the transition.
- `ACTIONS` is zero or more lines of actions to be executed.

#### Actions

Actions represent a call to the built-in plugins in `marionette`. These are 
specified as follows:

PARTY MODULE.NAME([ARG, [ARG, ...]]) [if regex_match_incoming("REGEX")]

- `PARTY` must be either `client` or `server`.
- `MODULE` specifies the plugin module where the function exists.
- `NAME` specifies the plugin name.
- `ARG...` represents zero or more comma-delimited arguments passed to the plugin.
- `REGEX` is a regular expression that incoming data must match to execute.  The regular expression is also the form that outgoing data will be shaped into.

Actions are only performed by one party (either `client` or `server`), however,
some actions have built-in counter actions. For example, when a client sends
data the server will implicitly have an action to read the data.

Arguments must be a quoted string (single or double quotes), an integer, or a
floating point number.

## Plugins

There are several modules of built-in plugins. Each plugin is the basis for an
action in Marionette and each one has specific arguments as documented below.
All plugin code can be found in the `plugins` package.

### Module: channel

The `channel` module provides plugins related to creating additional incoming
TCP connections.

#### `channel.bind()`


1. `name:string`

The `bind()` plugin opens a listener on a random port and saves the port number
to the `name` variable in the FSM. This is used in conjunction with
`model.spawn()` to use this random port for a child FSM.

### Module: fte

The `fte` module provides plugins to send and receive data using FTE
(Format-Transforming Encryption). This encrypts plaintext data and then conforms
it to a given regular expression for transport.

#### `fte.send()` & `fte.send_async()`


1. `regex:string`
2. `msg_len:integer`

The `send()` plugin encrypts and sends queued incoming data to the counter
party, up to `msg_len` bytes. If there is no available data then an empty cell
is sent. If `send_async()` is used and no data is available then the send is

`recv()` and `recv_async()` are counter actions to `send()` and `send_async()`.

#### `fte.recv()` & `fte.recv_async()`


1. `regex:string`
2. `msg_len:integer`

The `recv()` & `recv_async()` plugins decrypt data sent by `fte.send()` &
`fte.send_async()`. These actions should not be specified by the protocol author
but instead are added automatically as counter actions by the FSM evaluator.

### Module: io

The `io` module provides plaintext input/output plugins.

#### `io.puts()`


1. `data:string` is the data to send to the counter party.

The `puts()` plugin simply writes `data` to the outgoing connection.

`gets()` is the counter action to `puts()`.

#### `io.gets()`


1. `expects:string` is the data expected to be read from the 

The `gets()` plugin reads `expects` data from the incoming connection. Fails
if the expected data is not read. On failure, any read data is returned to the
incoming connection's buffer.

The `gets()` plugin should not be specified by the protocol author but instead
it is added automatically as a counter action by the FSM evaluator.

### Module: model

The `model` module provides plugins for creating child FSMs and for sleeping.

#### `model.sleep()`


1. `distribution:string` is a mapping of sleep times (in seconds) to probabilities.

The `sleep()` plugin sleeps for an amount of time randomly chosen from
`distribution`. The `distribution` string must be formatted as a curly-brace
contained mapping of `float` sleep times to `float` probabilities.

For example, this is a distribution containing `0.1` seconds and `0.01` seconds.
The first timing has a 25% probability and the second timing has a 75% 

model.sleep("{'0.1': 0.25, '0.01': 0.75}")

#### `model.spawn()`


1. `format:string` is the MAR document format name.
2. `n:integer` is the number of instances to spawn.

The `spawn()` plugin executes a child FSM with the name specified by `format`.
This child FSM is executed `n` times. The child FSM copies all variables from
the parent FSM.

### Module: tg

The `tg` module provides a _template grammar_ for executing more specific
protocol formats such as specific HTTP variants, FTP, POP3, DNS, etc. Many
settings for these models are hardcoded and are not extensible within the MAR

The following formats are available:

- `http_request_keep_alive`
- `http_response_keep_alive`
- `http_request_close`
- `http_response_close`
- `pop3_message_response`
- `pop3_password`
- `http_request_keep_alive_with_msg_lens`
- `http_response_keep_alive_with_msg_lens`
- `http_amazon_request`
- `http_amazon_response`
- `ftp_entering_passive`
- `dns_request`
- `dns_response`

#### `tg.send()`


1. `grammar:string` is the name of the grammar to execute.

The `send()` plugin executes the grammar specified by the `grammar` argument.

`recv()` is the counter action to `send()`.

#### `tg.recv()`


1. `grammar:string` is the name of the grammar to execute.

The `recv()` plugin executes the grammar specified by the `grammar` argument.

`send()` is the counter action to `recv()`.

## Plugin Development

All plugins exist as Go functions within subpackages of the `plugins` package.
Adding a new plugin requires two steps:

1. Write the plugin function.
2. Register it with [`RegisterPlugin()`](https://godoc.org/github.com/redjack/marionette#RegisterPlugin).

### Writing a plugin

All plugin functions implement the [`PluginFunc`](https://godoc.org/github.com/redjack/marionette#PluginFunc)

type PluginFunc func(ctx context.Context, fsm FSM, args ...interface{}) error

Let's say we want to build a `test.echo()` plugin that simply prints our
arguments to STDOUT. First we'll create a `plugins/test` package and we can
write our function like this:

func Echo(ctx context.Context, fsm marionette.FSM, args ...interface{}) error {
	if len(args) < 1 {
		return errors.New("not enough arguments")

	return nil

### Registering a plugin

Next we let `marionette` know about the plugin by registering it. We'll do this
by adding an `init()` function with the call to `RegisterPlugin()` so it is 
included any time we import our `plugins/test` package:

package test

func init() {
	marionette.RegisterPlugin("test", "echo", Echo)

We'll need to also import our package in the `plugins/plugins.go` file which is
imported by the `cmd/marionette` binary:

import _ "github.com/redjack/marionette/plugins/test"

### Invoking our plugin

Now we can write an _action_ line using our new plugin:

connection(tcp, 8000):
  start echo NULL 1.0
  echo  end  echo 1.0

action echo:
  client test.echo("hello", "world")

## References

Below are some references to see how these plugins are used in practice within
the built-in formats. All formats can be found in the `mar/formats` directory.

- `http_simple_blocking`: Uses `fte.send()` calls to send & receive HTTP
  formatted messages. Messages are sent and received continuously—even when
  there is no available data to be sent.

- `http_simple_nonblocking`: Uses `fte.send_async()` to send & receive HTTP
  formatted messages. Messages are only sent when there is data available.

- `ftp_simple_blocking`: Uses the `tg` plugins to send FTP formatted messages
  and embed data to connect to random ports created by the `channel.bind()`
  plugin and managed by the `model.spawn()` plugin.

- `http_active_probing2`: Uses the `regex_match_incoming()` directive to
  conditionally send responses based on what data is sent to the server.

- `https_simple_blocking`: Uses the `io` plugins to hardcode the TLS handshake
  and then uses the `fte` plugins to exchange data.

Protocols and how to design them for obfuscation strategies

## Overview

The MAR language specifies a state machine that Marionette uses to obfuscate
communication between the client and server. Because the language is
deterministic, the client and server can both independently execute the same
MAR document and achieve the same result.

A list of pre-built MAR files can be found in the `mar/formats` folder of the
`marionette` repository.

## Structure

The MAR document contains 3 main parts:

1. Header
2. Transitions
3. Action Blocks

### Header

The header specifies the transport and port on the first line in the following

connection(TRANSPORT, PORT):

- `TRANSPORT` must be `tcp` or `udp`.
- `PORT` must be a number in the valid TCP range (1-65535).

The `PORT` may also be a variable name that can be used by `channel.bind()` &
`model.spawn()`. An example of this can found in the `ftp_simple_blocking` &
`ftp_pasv_transfer` documents.

### Transitions

The lines that follow specify the FSM state machine transitions in the following


- `SOURCE` is the state to transition from.
- `DESTINATION` is the state to transition to.
- `ACTION_BLOCK` is the name of the action block to execute.
- `PROBABILITY` is the probability of execution, between `0.0` and `1.0`.  This format location can also take on the value `error`.

The state machine always starts in the `start` state and document should always
end up in the `end` state. A special `dead` state is added after the `end` state
by the FSM evaluator. The `action` state name is not allowed.

The probability for transitions that share a common source state should add up
to `1.0`.

The error transition is an epsilon state which is activated when none of the other states can be transitioned to.

### Action Blocks

Action blocks specify a series of actions to perform by either the client or
server when a transition is made. If any actions fail then the transition is

Action blocks are specified as follows:

action NAME:

- `NAME` is the name used by the transition.
- `ACTIONS` is zero or more lines of actions to be executed.

### Hello World (http\_simple\_blocking) Protocol

Given the above description of how to construct a mar file in general, let's look at one in particular.

#### http\_simple\_blocking.mar
connection(tcp, 8081):
  start      upstream   NULL     1.0
  upstream   downstream http_get 1.0
  downstream end        http_ok  1.0

action http_get:
  client fte.send("^GET\ \/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]*) HTTP/1\.1\r\n\r\n$", 128)

action http_ok:
  server fte.send("^HTTP/1\.1\ 200 OK\r\nContent-Type:\ ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\r\n\r\n\C*$", 128)
This is the protocol `http_simple_blocking`.  The format file is called `http_simple_blocking.mar` and is found in the `mar/formats` directory.

#### Header Line

We can see that the server will open its connection on tcp port 8081, based on the header line.

#### Transitions
The next three lines are the transitions, which define the finite state machine. Let's go through it in detail.

These first line is the transition from the `start` state to the `upstream` state.  There is no action taken for this transition, which is what `NULL` means in the third column.  This transition happens with a probability 1.0.  Therefore, this is transition is certain to happen.  The only real purpose of this transition, is to get the system out of the `start` state and into the `upstream` state where something interesting can occur.

The second line is the transition from the `upstream` state to the `downstream` state.  This transition contains an action `http_get`.

Finally, the third line is a transition from the `downstream` state to the `end` state.  This transition contains an action `http_ok`.

There is a hidden fourth line, which occurs in all protocols that looks like this:

  end      start    NULL     1.0
This line closes the loop on the protocol, and allows the system to continue looping as long as there is data to transmit.  The system assumes that this line always exists, therefore we do not write it.

#### Actions
There are two actions.

The first is `http_get`:

action http_get:
  client fte.send("^GET\ \/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]*) HTTP/1\.1\r\n\r\n$", 128)
This line has two parts.  First, the `client` keyword means that the command on this line is to be considered from the client's perspective.  The second part is the `fte.send` command.  This command, provided by the `fte` plugin, translates a portion of the Marionette information into a tcp packet whose data satisfy the regular expression in the first argument.  The maximum length of the data is the second argument.  This command is interpreted on the server side as a command to receive a packet that satisfies the regex, and to decode it accordingly.

The second action is `http_ok`:

action http_ok:
  server fte.send("^HTTP/1\.1\ 200 OK\r\nContent-Type:\ ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\r\n\r\n\C*$", 128)

This action is identical to the action `http_get`, but it uses `fte.send` initiated on the server side.  This allows the server to send its own information, in the form of the given regex, allowing the response to be decoded on the client side.

This handshake completes the connection between the client and the server, allowing information transfer in both directions.  Proper construction of regexes disguises the information transfer as a set of  http GET commands and responses.

#### Summary

To form basic protocol disguise based on sequences of packets formed by regular expressions driven by a sequence of states, perform the following:

* Make sure that each node of the sequence of states is uniquely labeled.
* Make sure that the initial node of the sequence of states is labeled `start` and that the terminal node is labeled `end`.
* Write down the sequence of transition edges between the states.  Include actions where appropriate.  Ensure that each line ends with a 1.0.
* Generate the list of actions.  Use client `fte.send` commands and server `fte.send` commands as appropriate with the desired regular expressions.
* Make sure to include at least one server `fte.send` command and one client `fte.send` command.

### Finite State Machine (http\_probabilistic\_blocking) Protocol

#### http\_probabilistic\_blocking.mar

connection(tcp, 8080):
  start http_get http_get 0.5
  start http_post http_post 0.5
  http_get http10_ok http10_ok 0.5
  http_get http11_ok http11_ok 0.5
  http_post http10_ok http10_ok 0.5
  http_post http11_ok http11_ok 0.5
  http10_ok http_get NULL 0.33
  http10_ok http_post NULL 0.33
  http10_ok end NULL 0.33
  http11_ok http_get NULL 0.33
  http11_ok http_post NULL 0.33
  http11_ok end NULL 0.33

action http_get:
  client fte.send("GET\s/.*", 128)

action http10_ok:
  server fte.send("HTTP/1\.0.*", 128)

action http_post:
  client fte.send("POST\s/.*", 128)

action http11_ok:
  server fte.send("HTTP/1\.1.*", 128)
Simple sequences of packets are all well and good, but protocols typically have more variety than that.  We need to make non-deterministic transitions between states.  Fortunately, Marionette has that ability.

By changing the value 1.0 at the end of each transition line to a smaller value, we make each transition a probabilistic change instead of a determined change.  In this manner, we can widen the variety of behaviors, and implement a complete finite state machine.

#### Transitions

There are two transitions from the `start` state.  One proceeds to the `http_get` state with 50% probability:

start http_get http_get 0.5
and the other proceeds to the `http_post` state with 50% probability:

start http_post http_post 0.5
because there are two possible actions that can be taken from the start state, behavioral variety beyond the variation due to regular expressions can be expressed.  This allows far more realistic behaviors to be generated.

Note, that although the transitions out of a state do not strictly have to add up to 1.0, (see `http11_ok`) it is recommended if it does not impact understandability.

#### Summary

* Use probabilistic transitions to model protocol behavior where the transmission types vary non-deterministically.
* Set the probabilities of transition to appear as realistic transitions, by either making reasonable estimates or using data to determine how often the transitions really occur.

### Active Probing (http\_active\_probing) Protocol

#### http\_active\_probing.mar

connection(tcp, 8080):
  start          upstream       NULL        1.0
  upstream       downstream     http_get    1.0
  upstream       downstream_err NULL        error
  downstream_err end            http_ok_err 1.0
  downstream     end            http_ok     1.0
action http_get:
  client fte.send("^GET\ \/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]*) HTTP/1\.1\r\n\r\n$", 128)

action http_ok:
  server fte.send("^HTTP/1\.1\ 200 OK\r\nContent-Type:\ ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\r\n\r\n\C*$", 128)

action http_ok_err:
  server io.puts("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nHello, World!

When the system receives information, it checks to see if any of the transitions that it can make are valid.  If there are no valid transitions that can be performed, the system fails unless there is an available error transition.

If the error transition is available, then it accepts the transition.  This can be exploited to reject scanning.  If additional packets are sent to the server port that do not belong, then the system can execute the error command in response.  Typically, the response is to present a banner or other fixed set of bits back to the offending location.

The action `http_ok_err` transmits back a fixed string using the `io.puts` command.  This command, instead of using a regular expression transmits a set string.  No actual encoded data is transferred across the connection, but it `io.puts` can be very useful for banners and other protocol information that can be considered static.

#### Summary

When you wish to have a good response for additional packets being injected into your flow, such as port scanning, use error transitions.  These transitions can send back information to offending systems that will make your ports appear normal.

### Secure (web_conn443) Protocol

#### web\_conn443.mar

connection(tcp, 443):
  start  c_hello NULL 1.0
  c_hello s_hello do_c_hello 1.0
  s_hello s_certificate do_s_hello 1.0
  s_certificate c_key_exchange do_s_certificate 1.0
  c_key_exchange s_change_cipher_spec do_c_key_exchange 1.0
  s_change_cipher_spec cstart do_s_change_cipher_spec 1.0
  cstart conn1 NULL 0.28
  cstart conn2 NULL 0.19
  cstart conn3 NULL 0.14
  cstart conn4 NULL 0.13
  cstart conn5 NULL 0.05
  cstart conn6 NULL 0.1
  cstart conn7 NULL 0.01
  cstart conn8 NULL 0.02
  cstart conn9 NULL 0.03
  cstart conn10 NULL 0.01
  cstart conn15 NULL 0.01
  cstart conn18 NULL 0.01
  cstart conn28 NULL 0.01
  cstart conn31 NULL 0.01
  conn1 requestx1x0 request 1.0
  requestx1x0 responsex1x1 response 1.0
  responsex1x1 end NULL 1.0
  conn2 requestx2x0 request 1.0
  requestx2x0 responsex2x1 response 1.0
  responsex2x1 requestx2x2 request 1.0
  requestx2x2 responsex2x3 response 1.0
  responsex2x3 end NULL 1.0
  conn3 requestx3x0 request 1.0
  requestx3x0 responsex3x1 response 1.0
  responsex3x1 requestx3x2 request 1.0
  requestx3x2 responsex3x3 response 1.0
  responsex3x3 end NULL 1.0
  conn4 requestx4x0 request 1.0
  requestx4x0 responsex4x1 response 1.0
  responsex4x1 requestx4x2 request 1.0
  requestx4x2 responsex4x3 response 1.0
  responsex4x3 requestx4x4 request 1.0
  requestx4x4 responsex4x5 response 1.0
  responsex4x5 end NULL 1.0
  conn5 requestx5x0 request 1.0
  requestx5x0 responsex5x1 response 1.0
  responsex5x1 requestx5x2 request 1.0
  requestx5x2 responsex5x3 response 1.0
  responsex5x3 requestx5x4 request 1.0
  requestx5x4 responsex5x5 response 1.0
  responsex5x5 end NULL 1.0
  conn6 requestx6x0 request 1.0
  requestx6x0 responsex6x1 response 1.0
  responsex6x1 requestx6x2 request 1.0
  requestx6x2 responsex6x3 response 1.0
  responsex6x3 requestx6x4 request 1.0
  requestx6x4 responsex6x5 response 1.0
  responsex6x5 requestx6x6 request 1.0
  requestx6x6 responsex6x7 response 1.0
  responsex6x7 end NULL 1.0
  conn7 requestx7x0 request 1.0
  requestx7x0 responsex7x1 response 1.0
  responsex7x1 requestx7x2 request 1.0
  requestx7x2 responsex7x3 response 1.0
  responsex7x3 requestx7x4 request 1.0
  requestx7x4 responsex7x5 response 1.0
  responsex7x5 requestx7x6 request 1.0
  requestx7x6 responsex7x7 response 1.0
  responsex7x7 end NULL 1.0
  conn8 requestx8x0 request 1.0
  requestx8x0 responsex8x1 response 1.0
  responsex8x1 requestx8x2 request 1.0
  requestx8x2 responsex8x3 response 1.0
  responsex8x3 requestx8x4 request 1.0
  requestx8x4 responsex8x5 response 1.0
  responsex8x5 requestx8x6 request 1.0
  requestx8x6 responsex8x7 response 1.0
  responsex8x7 requestx8x8 request 1.0
  requestx8x8 responsex8x9 response 1.0
  responsex8x9 end NULL 1.0
  conn9 requestx9x0 request 1.0
  requestx9x0 responsex9x1 response 1.0
  responsex9x1 requestx9x2 request 1.0
  requestx9x2 responsex9x3 response 1.0
  responsex9x3 requestx9x4 request 1.0
  requestx9x4 responsex9x5 response 1.0
  responsex9x5 requestx9x6 request 1.0
  requestx9x6 responsex9x7 response 1.0
  responsex9x7 requestx9x8 request 1.0
  requestx9x8 responsex9x9 response 1.0
  responsex9x9 end NULL 1.0
  conn10 requestx10x0 request 1.0
  requestx10x0 responsex10x1 response 1.0
  responsex10x1 requestx10x2 request 1.0
  requestx10x2 responsex10x3 response 1.0
  responsex10x3 requestx10x4 request 1.0
  requestx10x4 responsex10x5 response 1.0
  responsex10x5 requestx10x6 request 1.0
  requestx10x6 responsex10x7 response 1.0
  responsex10x7 requestx10x8 request 1.0
  requestx10x8 responsex10x9 response 1.0
  responsex10x9 requestx10x10 request 1.0
  requestx10x10 responsex10x11 response 1.0
  responsex10x11 end NULL 1.0
  conn15 requestx15x0 request 1.0
  requestx15x0 responsex15x1 response 1.0
  responsex15x1 requestx15x2 request 1.0
  requestx15x2 responsex15x3 response 1.0
  responsex15x3 requestx15x4 request 1.0
  requestx15x4 responsex15x5 response 1.0
  responsex15x5 requestx15x6 request 1.0
  requestx15x6 responsex15x7 response 1.0
  responsex15x7 requestx15x8 request 1.0
  requestx15x8 responsex15x9 response 1.0
  responsex15x9 requestx15x10 request 1.0
  requestx15x10 responsex15x11 response 1.0
  responsex15x11 requestx15x12 request 1.0
  requestx15x12 responsex15x13 response 1.0
  responsex15x13 requestx15x14 request 1.0
  requestx15x14 responsex15x15 response 1.0
  responsex15x15 end NULL 1.0
  conn18 requestx18x0 request 1.0
  requestx18x0 responsex18x1 response 1.0
  responsex18x1 requestx18x2 request 1.0
  requestx18x2 responsex18x3 response 1.0
  responsex18x3 requestx18x4 request 1.0
  requestx18x4 responsex18x5 response 1.0
  responsex18x5 requestx18x6 request 1.0
  requestx18x6 responsex18x7 response 1.0
  responsex18x7 requestx18x8 request 1.0
  requestx18x8 responsex18x9 response 1.0
  responsex18x9 requestx18x10 request 1.0
  requestx18x10 responsex18x11 response 1.0
  responsex18x11 requestx18x12 request 1.0
  requestx18x12 responsex18x13 response 1.0
  responsex18x13 requestx18x14 request 1.0
  requestx18x14 responsex18x15 response 1.0
  responsex18x15 requestx18x16 request 1.0
  requestx18x16 responsex18x17 response 1.0
  responsex18x17 requestx18x18 request 1.0
  requestx18x18 responsex18x19 response 1.0
  responsex18x19 end NULL 1.0
  conn28 requestx28x0 request 1.0
  requestx28x0 responsex28x1 response 1.0
  responsex28x1 requestx28x2 request 1.0
  requestx28x2 responsex28x3 response 1.0
  responsex28x3 requestx28x4 request 1.0
  requestx28x4 responsex28x5 response 1.0
  responsex28x5 requestx28x6 request 1.0
  requestx28x6 responsex28x7 response 1.0
  responsex28x7 requestx28x8 request 1.0
  requestx28x8 responsex28x9 response 1.0
  responsex28x9 requestx28x10 request 1.0
  requestx28x10 responsex28x11 response 1.0
  responsex28x11 requestx28x12 request 1.0
  requestx28x12 responsex28x13 response 1.0
  responsex28x13 requestx28x14 request 1.0
  requestx28x14 responsex28x15 response 1.0
  responsex28x15 requestx28x16 request 1.0
  requestx28x16 responsex28x17 response 1.0
  responsex28x17 requestx28x18 request 1.0
  requestx28x18 responsex28x19 response 1.0
  responsex28x19 requestx28x20 request 1.0
  requestx28x20 responsex28x21 response 1.0
  responsex28x21 requestx28x22 request 1.0
  requestx28x22 responsex28x23 response 1.0
  responsex28x23 requestx28x24 request 1.0
  requestx28x24 responsex28x25 response 1.0
  responsex28x25 requestx28x26 request 1.0
  requestx28x26 responsex28x27 response 1.0
  responsex28x27 requestx28x28 request 1.0
  requestx28x28 responsex28x29 response 1.0
  responsex28x29 end NULL 1.0
  conn31 requestx31x0 request 1.0
  requestx31x0 responsex31x1 response 1.0
  responsex31x1 requestx31x2 request 1.0
  requestx31x2 responsex31x3 response 1.0
  responsex31x3 requestx31x4 request 1.0
  requestx31x4 responsex31x5 response 1.0
  responsex31x5 requestx31x6 request 1.0
  requestx31x6 responsex31x7 response 1.0
  responsex31x7 requestx31x8 request 1.0
  requestx31x8 responsex31x9 response 1.0
  responsex31x9 requestx31x10 request 1.0
  requestx31x10 responsex31x11 response 1.0
  responsex31x11 requestx31x12 request 1.0
  requestx31x12 responsex31x13 response 1.0
  responsex31x13 requestx31x14 request 1.0
  requestx31x14 responsex31x15 response 1.0
  responsex31x15 requestx31x16 request 1.0
  requestx31x16 responsex31x17 response 1.0
  responsex31x17 requestx31x18 request 1.0
  requestx31x18 responsex31x19 response 1.0
  responsex31x19 requestx31x20 request 1.0
  requestx31x20 responsex31x21 response 1.0
  responsex31x21 requestx31x22 request 1.0
  requestx31x22 responsex31x23 response 1.0
  responsex31x23 requestx31x24 request 1.0
  requestx31x24 responsex31x25 response 1.0
  responsex31x25 requestx31x26 request 1.0
  requestx31x26 responsex31x27 response 1.0
  responsex31x27 requestx31x28 request 1.0
  requestx31x28 responsex31x29 response 1.0
  responsex31x29 requestx31x30 request 1.0
  requestx31x30 responsex31x31 response 1.0
  responsex31x31 end NULL 1.0

action request:
  client fte.send("^\x17\x03\x03\x01\xbe.*$", 426)

action response:
  server fte.send("^\x17\x03\x03\x01\xbe.*$", 426)

# Client Hello
action do_c_hello:
  client io.puts('\x16\x03\x01\x00\xcc\x01\x00\x00\xc8\x03\x03\x86\x4b\xde\x9d\x60\x7a\x88\x55\x37\xcc\xc8\x16\x88\x18\xd5\xab\x6b\x9d\x2d\xc0\x4b\x6c\x7f\x2b\x25\x1a\xe9\x94\x82\x16\xcd\x74\x00\x00\x22\xc0\x2b\xc0\x2f\x00\x9e\xcc\x14\xcc\x13\xcc\x15\xc0\x0a\xc0\x14\x00\x39\xc0\x09\xc0\x13\x00\x33\x00\x9c\x00\x35\x00\x2f\x00\x0a\x00\xff\x01\x00\x00\x7d\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x0c\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x69\x61\x6e\x61\x2e\x6f\x72\x67\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\x23\x00\x00\x00\x0d\x00\x16\x00\x14\x06\x01\x06\x03\x05\x01\x05\x03\x04\x01\x04\x03\x03\x01\x03\x03\x02\x01\x02\x03\x00\x05\x00\x05\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x33\x74\x00\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x1d\x00\x1b\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x31\x2e\x31\x08\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x33\x2e\x31\x05\x68\x32\x2d\x31\x34\x02\x68\x32\x75\x50\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x02\x01\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x06\x00\x04\x00\x17\x00\x18')

# Server Hello
action do_s_hello:
  server io.puts('\x16\x03\x03\x00\x55\x02\x00\x00\x51\x03\x03\x56\x73\x20\x01\x0b\x7b\xb5\x97\xa8\x88\xee\xac\x07\xcd\x25\xb1\x5b\xa2\xaf\x08\x14\x76\xee\x8e\x89\xdb\xb6\x09\x98\xe5\x2a\x6f\x20\x50\x40\x22\xdf\xd3\x3a\xe3\x19\x19\xcb\xcc\x3b\xb7\x96\xb8\x57\xb3\xbb\xd7\xd2\x8d\xee\xd7\xd0\x3d\x33\x33\x0f\x69\x0f\x48\x76\x00\x35\x00\x00\x09\xff\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')

# Server Certificate -
action do_s_certificate:
  server 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9\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x43\x50\x53\x30\x81\x83\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x01\x01\x04\x77\x30\x75\x30\x24\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x30\x01\x86\x18\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6f\x63\x73\x70\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x30\x4d\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x30\x02\x86\x41\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x61\x63\x65\x72\x74\x73\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x53\x48\x41\x32\x48\x69\x67\x68\x41\x73\x73\x75\x72\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x53\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x43\x41\x2e\x63\x72\x74\x30\x0c\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x13\x01\x01\xff\x04\x02\x30\x00\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x00\x03\x82\x01\x01\x00\x70\x31\x4c\x38\xe7\xc0\x2f\xd8\x08\x10\x50\x0b\x9d\xf6\xda\xe8\x5d\xe9\xb2\x3e\x29\xfb\xd6\x8b\xfd\xb5\xf2\x34\x11\xc8\x9a\xcf\xaf\x9a\xe0\x5a\xf9\x12\x3a\x8a\xa6\xbc\xe6\x95\x4a\x4e\x68\xdc\x7c\xfc\x48\x0a\x65\xd7\x6f\x22\x9c\x4b\xd5\xf5\x67\x4b\x0c\x9a\xc6\xd0\x6a\x37\xa1\xa1\xc1\x45\xc3\x95\x61\x20\xb8\xef\xe6\x7c\x88\x7a\xb4\xff\x7d\x6a\xa9\x50\xff\x36\x98\xf2\x7c\x4a\x19\xd5\x9d\x93\xa3\x9a\xca\x5a\x7b\x6d\x6c\x75\xe3\x49\x74\xe5\x0f\x5a\x59\x00\x05\xb3\xcb\x66\x5d\xdb\xd7\x07\x4f\x9f\xcb\xcb\xf9\xc5\x02\x28\xd5\xe2\x55\x96\xb6\x4a\xda\x16\x0b\x48\xf7\x7a\x93\xaa\xce\xd2\x26\x17\xbf\xe0\x05\xe0\x0f\xe2\x0a\x53\x2a\x0a\xdc\xb8\x18\xc8\x78\xdc\x5d\x66\x49\x27\x77\x77\xca\x1a\x81\x4e\x21\xd0\xb5\x33\x08\xaf\x40\x78\xbe\x45\x54\x71\x5e\x4c\xe4\x82\x8b\x01\x2f\x25\xff\xa1\x3a\x6c\xeb\x30\xd2\x0a\x75\xde\xba\x8a\x34\x4e\x41\xd6\x27\xfa\x63\x8f\xef\xf3\x8a\x30\x63\xa0\x18\x75\x19\xb3\x9b\x05\x3f\x71\x34\xd9\xcd\x83\xe6\x09\x1a\xcc\xf5\xd2\xe3\xa0\x5e\xdf\xa1\xdf\xbe\x18\x1a\x87\xad\x86\xba\x24\xfe\x6b\x97\xfe\x00\x04\xb5\x30\x82\x04\xb1\x30\x82\x03\x99\xa0\x03\x02\x01\x02\x02\x10\x04\xe1\xe7\xa4\xdc\x5c\xf2\xf3\x6d\xc0\x2b\x42\xb8\x5d\x15\x9f\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x00\x30\x6c\x31\x0b\x30\x09\x06\x03\x55\x04\x06\x13\x02\x55\x53\x31\x15\x30\x13\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0a\x13\x0c\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x20\x49\x6e\x63\x31\x19\x30\x17\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0b\x13\x10\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x31\x2b\x30\x29\x06\x03\x55\x04\x03\x13\x22\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x20\x48\x69\x67\x68\x20\x41\x73\x73\x75\x72\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x20\x45\x56\x20\x52\x6f\x6f\x74\x20\x43\x41\x30\x1e\x17\x0d\x31\x33\x31\x30\x32\x32\x31\x32\x30\x30\x30\x30\x5a\x17\x0d\x32\x38\x31\x30\x32\x32\x31\x32\x30\x30\x30\x30\x5a\x30\x70\x31\x0b\x30\x09\x06\x03\x55\x04\x06\x13\x02\x55\x53\x31\x15\x30\x13\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0a\x13\x0c\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x20\x49\x6e\x63\x31\x19\x30\x17\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0b\x13\x10\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x31\x2f\x30\x2d\x06\x03\x55\x04\x03\x13\x26\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x20\x53\x48\x41\x32\x20\x48\x69\x67\x68\x20\x41\x73\x73\x75\x72\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x20\x53\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x20\x43\x41\x30\x82\x01\x22\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x01\x05\x00\x03\x82\x01\x0f\x00\x30\x82\x01\x0a\x02\x82\x01\x01\x00\xb6\xe0\x2f\xc2\x24\x06\xc8\x6d\x04\x5f\xd7\xef\x0a\x64\x06\xb2\x7d\x22\x26\x65\x16\xae\x42\x40\x9b\xce\xdc\x9f\x9f\x76\x07\x3e\xc3\x30\x55\x87\x19\xb9\x4f\x94\x0e\x5a\x94\x1f\x55\x56\xb4\xc2\x02\x2a\xaf\xd0\x98\xee\x0b\x40\xd7\xc4\xd0\x3b\x72\xc8\x14\x9e\xef\x90\xb1\x11\xa9\xae\xd2\xc8\xb8\x43\x3a\xd9\x0b\x0b\xd5\xd5\x95\xf5\x40\xaf\xc8\x1d\xed\x4d\x9c\x5f\x57\xb7\x86\x50\x68\x99\xf5\x8a\xda\xd2\xc7\x05\x1f\xa8\x97\xc9\xdc\xa4\xb1\x82\x84\x2d\xc6\xad\xa5\x9c\xc7\x19\x82\xa6\x85\x0f\x5e\x44\x58\x2a\x37\x8f\xfd\x35\xf1\x0b\x08\x27\x32\x5a\xf5\xbb\x8b\x9e\xa4\xbd\x51\xd0\x27\xe2\xdd\x3b\x42\x33\xa3\x05\x28\xc4\xbb\x28\xcc\x9a\xac\x2b\x23\x0d\x78\xc6\x7b\xe6\x5e\x71\xb7\x4a\x3e\x08\xfb\x81\xb7\x16\x16\xa1\x9d\x23\x12\x4d\xe5\xd7\x92\x08\xac\x75\xa4\x9c\xba\xcd\x17\xb2\x1e\x44\x35\x65\x7f\x53\x25\x39\xd1\x1c\x0a\x9a\x63\x1b\x19\x92\x74\x68\x0a\x37\xc2\xc2\x52\x48\xcb\x39\x5a\xa2\xb6\xe1\x5d\xc1\xdd\xa0\x20\xb8\x21\xa2\x93\x26\x6f\x14\x4a\x21\x41\xc7\xed\x6d\x9b\xf2\x48\x2f\xf3\x03\xf5\xa2\x68\x92\x53\x2f\x5e\xe3\x02\x03\x01\x00\x01\xa3\x82\x01\x49\x30\x82\x01\x45\x30\x12\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x13\x01\x01\xff\x04\x08\x30\x06\x01\x01\xff\x02\x01\x00\x30\x0e\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x0f\x01\x01\xff\x04\x04\x03\x02\x01\x86\x30\x1d\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x25\x04\x16\x30\x14\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x03\x01\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x03\x02\x30\x34\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x01\x01\x04\x28\x30\x26\x30\x24\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x30\x01\x86\x18\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6f\x63\x73\x70\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x30\x4b\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x1f\x04\x44\x30\x42\x30\x40\xa0\x3e\xa0\x3c\x86\x3a\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x72\x6c\x34\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x44\x69\x67\x69\x43\x65\x72\x74\x48\x69\x67\x68\x41\x73\x73\x75\x72\x61\x6e\x63\x65\x45\x56\x52\x6f\x6f\x74\x43\x41\x2e\x63\x72\x6c\x30\x3d\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x20\x04\x36\x30\x34\x30\x32\x06\x04\x55\x1d\x20\x00\x30\x2a\x30\x28\x06\x08\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x07\x02\x01\x16\x1c\x68\x74\x74\x70\x73\x3a\x2f\x2f\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x64\x69\x67\x69\x63\x65\x72\x74\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\x43\x50\x53\x30\x1d\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x0e\x04\x16\x04\x14\x51\x68\xff\x90\xaf\x02\x07\x75\x3c\xcc\xd9\x65\x64\x62\xa2\x12\xb8\x59\x72\x3b\x30\x1f\x06\x03\x55\x1d\x23\x04\x18\x30\x16\x80\x14\xb1\x3e\xc3\x69\x03\xf8\xbf\x47\x01\xd4\x98\x26\x1a\x08\x02\xef\x63\x64\x2b\xc3\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x00\x03\x82\x01\x01\x00\x18\x8a\x95\x89\x03\xe6\x6d\xdf\x5c\xfc\x1d\x68\xea\x4a\x8f\x83\xd6\x51\x2f\x8d\x6b\x44\x16\x9e\xac\x63\xf5\xd2\x6e\x6c\x84\x99\x8b\xaa\x81\x71\x84\x5b\xed\x34\x4e\xb0\xb7\x79\x92\x29\xcc\x2d\x80\x6a\xf0\x8e\x20\xe1\x79\xa4\xfe\x03\x47\x13\xea\xf5\x86\xca\x59\x71\x7d\xf4\x04\x96\x6b\xd3\x59\x58\x3d\xfe\xd3\x31\x25\x5c\x18\x38\x84\xa3\xe6\x9f\x82\xfd\x8c\x5b\x98\x31\x4e\xcd\x78\x9e\x1a\xfd\x85\xcb\x49\xaa\xf2\x27\x8b\x99\x72\xfc\x3e\xaa\xd5\x41\x0b\xda\xd5\x36\xa1\xbf\x1c\x6e\x47\x49\x7f\x5e\xd9\x48\x7c\x03\xd9\xfd\x8b\x49\xa0\x98\x26\x42\x40\xeb\xd6\x92\x11\xa4\x64\x0a\x57\x54\xc4\xf5\x1d\xd6\x02\x5e\x6b\xac\xee\xc4\x80\x9a\x12\x72\xfa\x56\x93\xd7\xff\xbf\x30\x85\x06\x30\xbf\x0b\x7f\x4e\xff\x57\x05\x9d\x24\xed\x85\xc3\x2b\xfb\xa6\x75\xa8\xac\x2d\x16\xef\x7d\x79\x27\xb2\xeb\xc2\x9d\x0b\x07\xea\xaa\x85\xd3\x01\xa3\x20\x28\x41\x59\x43\x28\xd2\x81\xe3\xaa\xf6\xec\x7b\x3b\x77\xb6\x40\x62\x80\x05\x41\x45\x01\xef\x17\x06\x3e\xde\xc0\x33\x9b\x67\xd3\x61\x2e\x72\x87\xe4\x69\xfc\x12\x00\x57\x40\x1e\x70\xf5\x1e\xc9\xb4\x16\x03\x03\x00\x04\x0e\x00\x00\x00')

# Client Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, and Encrypted Handshake Message
action do_c_key_exchange:
  client io.puts('\x16\x03\x03\x02\x06\x10\x00\x02\x02\x02\x00\x18\x95\xd1\x32\x1e\x90\x0d\xa6\x72\xf2\xb4\xe7\x0d\x55\x1b\x6e\x4a\xf3\x8d\xf2\x5a\xbb\x25\x19\x18\x69\x95\x97\x09\x74\x5f\x72\xbd\x41\x01\x49\x9f\xae\x7e\xda\xec\x33\xaa\x91\x59\x4d\x44\x8f\x86\x46\xdc\x53\xda\x83\xf9\x97\xa1\xde\x91\x01\xbc\x10\x8f\x86\x1a\x2a\x58\x78\x0a\xb8\x6f\x30\x27\x30\xc5\xbc\x1a\xed\xe5\x4b\xfb\xbc\x04\x31\xbb\x0c\x57\xb5\xce\x7d\x04\xeb\xf7\x69\x53\xfd\x55\xfa\x4d\x9f\x3d\x17\x07\xd4\x22\xba\x64\xed\x5a\x73\x8d\xdf\x62\xd8\xf5\xe0\x34\x06\x89\xc6\x7b\x39\x96\x4e\x6c\xb8\x1c\x08\x65\xa8\xbb\xfe\x54\x86\xbf\x55\x99\x66\x46\xfa\x1d\x99\xd1\xf3\xaa\x3f\x44\x82\xcc\x9a\x6d\x6f\x6d\xcd\x6f\xa7\xde\xdb\x48\xbd\x2e\xdb\xa1\xe4\x03\x9a\x94\xe2\xcf\x20\x2c\xba\xa0\x1b\x31\xfe\x53\x17\x46\xf6\xca\xcd\xa1\x08\x5e\x72\x13\x07\x5d\x69\xb4\xa6\x41\x36\xb1\xbf\xa9\xf6\xf9\xc1\x8d\xa7\x6f\x72\x94\x12\x92\x57\x9b\x5b\x1e\x7d\x4c\x8a\xfa\x2c\x2e\x83\xb6\xdd\xf5\xcb\x4c\xfd\x78\x6b\xe7\x17\xfd\x3c\x77\xc6\x80\x16\x43\xce\xef\x95\x09\xca\x00\x21\x3c\xc4\x5d\xa7\x76\xee\x91\x5b\xea\xfa\xee\xd1\xab\x4d\x97\x99\xeb\xc4\x5d\x1b\x51\x98\xcd\x3a\x8e\xf6\x68\xf5\x5a\x5b\x46\xc3\x3c\x53\x4a\x97\xa3\x64\x4a\x5a\xd1\x5d\x33\x37\xec\x4e\x56\xad\x83\x8b\x69\x8e\xb7\xb3\xbe\x81\x0f\x1b\xad\xd9\x3b\x82\x35\xf0\x3e\x02\x28\x14\xb9\xdc\xab\xa0\x76\x12\x75\x1e\x84\xf0\x92\xc0\xbb\xc6\x08\xe3\x8e\x9d\x3f\xd9\x8d\x70\x53\x7c\xab\xe8\xd3\x5c\xd3\xf6\xb9\x01\x66\x62\x11\x0d\xa6\xa2\xbc\x17\x6b\x07\xa5\x4c\x49\x3c\x9b\x1d\xb1\x48\xd6\xb7\xaf\xef\x5b\xec\xb3\xf8\xba\x9d\xa9\xb6\xaa\x1b\x16\xa6\x82\xc8\xda\x83\x63\x34\x7c\x2e\x21\xf0\xbf\x9e\xb4\x28\xdc\x7c\xa4\x76\x69\x3d\x1e\x0e\x05\x1a\xe5\x04\xf0\xe5\xd9\xde\x14\xe0\xd0\xe6\xae\xee\x60\x6e\x52\xe5\x3a\x5f\x7c\xd5\xca\x2e\xb8\x01\x4f\x58\xa1\xee\xb7\x22\x68\xa6\x92\x71\x8c\xe0\x11\xdb\xee\x3b\x0c\xce\xc6\x84\x5a\x3d\xf3\xce\x63\x2a\x98\x8a\x81\xbe\xeb\xf7\x74\xa4\x68\xd3\xed\x31\x82\xa7\xef\x75\x3b\x37\xba\x45\x15\x12\x8c\xfe\xfb\xc4\x9e\x45\xbc\x3a\x43\x40\x9c\xfe\xa4\x27\xd0\xd0\xab\xb3\x8a\x4d\x83\x45\x9c\xf1\xec\x1c\xd9\xc3\xf3\x3e\x33\xc6\x2f\x4f\x81\x06\xe5\xdc\xe0\xd5\x14\x03\x03\x00\x01\x01\x16\x03\x03\x00\x40\x40\x47\x40\x39\x48\x8b\xe0\x51\xf0\x7a\xda\x3f\x1a\xb9\xc8\x1b\xa2\xb2\x3d\x44\x9a\xc1\x8e\x49\xb5\x47\x09\x5e\x87\x3c\xc6\x67\xe8\xe0\x82\xa9\xdd\x30\x21\x65\x9b\x03\xd9\x72\xfb\x9b\x4c\x10\xa9\xdc\xea\x0b\xb0\xde\x7b\x49\x78\xc7\xf5\x38\x5b\x1b\x4d\xc8')

# Server Change Cipher Spec, and Encrypted Handshake Message
action do_s_change_cipher_spec:
  server io.puts('\x14\x03\x03\x00\x01\x01\x16\x03\x03\x00\x40\xf6\x53\x99\x89\xdf\x44\xa1\x28\x5a\xc5\x85\xd3\x60\x09\xc6\x99\xe2\x9a\x3a\xea\x9f\xcb\xb2\x5d\x89\x40\x21\xcc\xf0\x9f\xcb\x1f\x01\x93\x66\x88\xb9\xd4\x56\xf0\xf0\x0f\x14\xcf\x19\x34\x13\xc7\xf5\x0a\xb2\x10\x42\x9c\x19\x2a\x56\x7b\x9c\xd3\x85\x71\x7d\x23')

# Client Application Data - \x01\xbe is the length of the "TLS encrypted" data in hex
action do_c_app_data:
  client fte.send("^\x17\x03\x03\x01\xbe.*$", 426)

# Server Application Data - \x01\xbe is the length of the "TLS encrypted" data in hex
action do_s_app_data:
  server fte.send("^\x17\x03\x03\x01\xbe.*$", 426)

This protocol simulates a secure web connection with encryption handshake and certificate exchange.  To simulate the secure handshake, a set of transitions leads the activity that statically describe the exchange are first executed.  These contain data strings which encode certificates, handshaking protocols and other activities.  This information has been scraped from actual https sessions, and therefore, can be used to great effect.  

The following sets of transitions from the `cstart` state simulate sets of secure packets being transferred back and forth.  Each has a different length, thereby allowing simulation of connections where different numbers of a packets are possible.  By using sequences of fixed numbers of packets, the probabilities of transition from the `cstart` state determine the frequency of these packet sets.  This allows the protocol to take on the traffic patters of actually observed web browsing.

#### Summary

* Sophisticated protocol behaviour, such as key exchange, can be simulated through the use of fixed strings based on data scraped from actual packet capture and the use of the `io.puts` command.
* Other traffic patterns, such as the number of packets per connection, can be simulated through probabilistic transitions, using probabilites derived from actual packet capture.
* Large .mar files should not be feared.  They are the best way to model real-world behavior. 

### SubModel (web\_sess443) Protocol

#### web\_sess443 Protocol

This is our most sophisticated protocol and is an excellent example of traffic manipulation to appear as if a person is actually using an application.  It simulates secure web browsing of amazon.com with actual certificates, appropriate time delays between accesses to simulate human interaction and sub-models for each web browser connection.

connection(tcp, 110):
  start do33 NULL 0.35
  do33 do33x2 sess33 1.0
  do33x2 end sleep33 1.0
  start do34 NULL 0.15
  do34 do34x2 sess34 1.0
  do34x2 end sleep34 1.0
  start do35 NULL 0.15
  do35 do35x2 sess35 1.0
  do35x2 end sleep35 1.0
  start do37 NULL 0.15
  do37 do37x2 sess37 1.0
  do37x2 end sleep37 1.0
  start do39 NULL 0.20
  do39 do39x2 sess39 1.0
  do39x2 end sleep39 1.0

action sess33:
  client model.spawn("web_conn443", 33)
  server model.spawn("web_conn443", 33)

action sess34:
  client model.spawn("web_conn443", 34)
  server model.spawn("web_conn443", 34)

action sess35:
  client model.spawn("web_conn443", 35)
  server model.spawn("web_conn443", 35)

action sess37:
  client model.spawn("web_conn443", 37)
  server model.spawn("web_conn443", 37)

action sess39:
  client model.spawn("web_conn443", 39)
  server model.spawn("web_conn443", 39)

action sleep33:
  server model.sleep("{'5.0' : 1.0}")

action sleep34: 
  server model.sleep("{'4.0' : 1.0}")

action sleep35: 
  server model.sleep("{'3.0' : 1.0}")

action sleep37: 
  server model.sleep("{'2.0' : 1.0}")

action sleep39: 
  server model.sleep("{'1.0' : 1.0}")

This model is demonstrates two behaviors that make it appear to be a standard web browsing session.  The statistics are captured from actual recorded web behavior.

#### Model.spawn

The command `model.spawn` instantiates a protocol model as a submodel of the current protocol.  This command has two arguments.  First, the model of the protocol that is to be used, which is `web_connn443` in this case.  The second argument is the number of times that the model will perform its `start` to `end` loop before returning.  This allows the protocols to be specified hierarchically.

Note, that the model needs to be identically spawned for both the client and server sides.  This is not done automatically as in the case of `fte.send`.  

#### Sleep

The command `sleep` instantiates a period of time when the protocol is inactive.  This command is extremely useful for shaping the appearance of web traffic.  Human interaction, if it is being simulated, is considerably slower than automated systems.  Shaping of such web traffic requires delays to be injected into the protocol.  The sleep command takes an array of numerical pairs as an argument.  Each numerical pair represents the sleep time in seconds and the probability that the time will be utilized.

#### Summary

Although in the `web_conn443` protocol we saw that the size of the file was not truly relevant, by using hierarchical models, we can make protocols far more manageable.

Sleep is an important command for use with systems that have human interaction.  Use it.

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