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Re: [tor-relays] let's make ContactInfo mandatory for exits (and warn others)
On Sat, 24 Apr 2021 12:11:46 +0200
nusenu <nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> allegedly wrote:
> After looking at lots of malicious relay data of the past few months
> I've come to the conclusion that exit relays without ContactInfo are
> largely run by malicious actors.
> I propose to make torrc's ContactInfo mandatory for exit relays with
> the following timeline:
With respect nusenu, exactly what is your relationship to the Tor
Are you even in a position to mandate anything?
I recognise, and applaud, the (apparent) time and effort you put in to
looking at the health of the network, and I am grateful for that, but I
have never been at all clear what your role is and how it is connected
to the core project.
Mick Morgan
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