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Re: [tor-relays] 10 Years Torservers.net: Death or Future?

The problem (I think) is not the financial side. For a German non profit (eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein) you need at least 7 people, lots of paperwork, going to your tax office, yearly mandatory meetings etc.

And that’s only to fund a non profit. To run this you need a lot of  labor to keep it going. A bank account and some shiny virtual medals for donors is the least of my problems.

On 2. Aug 2019, at 17:44, Mitar <mmitar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Yes, running a non-profit for you is not free (accounting costs, at
least). I think costs are explained well here:


You can install Open Collective software on your own server and having
your own fiscal host, and then there are no costs (see the last
example in "Examples" table). So if torservers already has a
non-profit, we could just install as software on our own servers. But
I think the question is: do we have volunteers to step up and do work
so that we can have no or little overhead, or if not, we can use a
cloud service, but it costs us then 10%. I was trying to show an
option for the second approach. But if there are already people
stepping up, feel free to ignore me.

Of course anyone else can host an instance with less platform
overhead. Or you can create an association in Germany and then become
a sponsor for Open Collective projects, but not require any fee,
lowering the overhead to 5% SaaS fee only.


On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 4:49 AM niftybunny
<abuse-contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

They want 10% ONLY for money transfer. This must be a joke. You can get a bank account for free in 5 minutes in Germany.

On 2. Aug 2019, at 03:35, Mitar <mmitar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

But these days I am playing with an idea that
https://opencollective.com/ might be something which would allow one
to duplicate and replicate what torservers have done without having to
struggle through all the bureaucracy of making your own association,
bank accounts and so on.


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