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[tor-relays] network diversity with freeBSD

There were some talks about network diversity recently, so I made up my mind and started a freeBSD server.

On advice from here https://gist.github.com/teor2345/c6e2890c44097fd6aaceeedec08c6431 I placed a line in the torrc file "Log notice file /var/log/tor/log" 

Following these instructions from the TDP:

"touch /var/log tor && chown _tor:_tor /var/log/tor && chmod 600 /var/log/tor" 

found here: https://torbsd.github.io/fbsd-relays.html I ended up getting this warning:

"[warn] Couldn't open file for 'Log notice file /var/log/tor/log': Permission denied"

Maybe I am to tired today to find the mistake - what is wrong please?

Is there a good instruction elsewhere?

Is it possible to install arm on freeBSD and if so could somebody help me with the implementation please?



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