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Re: [tor-relays] Anonymous email (was: Is there a reason for all exit nodes being public?)

On 12/7/16 08:41, Rana wrote:
Protonmail is exactly the same thing, if you want to register a free account you need to provide your phone number. You can register "anonymously" in ProtonMail only for paid account, and even if you are willing to pay for anonymity, you need to pay in bitcoin which ultimately discloses you identity - so again, not anonymous.

Protonmail supports receiving a verification code by email. Use a disposable email provider that isn't blocked to receive the code. I _just_ made a protonmail account to test.

https://10minutemail.net/ worked for me just now.

https://10minutemail.com did not work as protonmail recognized the address I got from it as being temporary.

Hope that helps.

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