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Re: [tor-relays] ISP is aking me to send a selfie holding my identity card

On 8. Dec 2017, at 14:15, Ralph Seichter <m16+tor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 08.12.2017 02:46, niftybunny wrote:

I do not think they will compromise and this is “normal” behaviour for
a ISP from Europe.

I strongly disagree to that being "normal" in any shape or form. I have
rented servers with several European hosters and have not once been
asked for ID.

In Germany you have to send them a copy of your passport before they
even get you a server. Got this with Hetzner.

No, you don't have to. What German law do you think would require it?

This law. Read it, learn from it.


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