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Re: [tor-relays] inet_csk_bind_conflict

Hi again

I took another look at this problem, and now I'm even more convinced that what we really need is IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT. Here's why.

If torrc OutboundBindAddress is configured, tor calls bind(2) on every outgoing connection:
with sockaddr_in.sin_port set to 0 on #L2438.

The kernel doesn't know that we'll not be using this socket for listen(2), so the kernel attempts to find an unused local two-tuple (according to [1]. Actually a three-tuple: <protocol, source ip, source port>):

The bind syscall is handled by inet_bind:
which calls __inet_bind that in turn calls sk->sk_prot->get_port on #L531 (notice the if on #L529).

get_port is implemented by inet_csk_get_port in inet_connection_sock.c:
On #L375, we call inet_csk_find_open_port (defined on #L190) to find a free port.

inet_csk_find_open_port gets the local port range on #L206 (i.e net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range), selects a random starting point (L#222), and loops through all the ports until it finds one that is free (#L230). For every port candidate, if it is already in use (#L240) it calls inet_csk_bind_conflict (#L241), which is defined on #L133. As far as I understand, it is inet_csk_bind_conflict's job is to determine if it is safe to bind to the port anyway (ex, the existing connection could be in TCP_TIME_WAIT and SO_REUSEPORT set on the socket). This is where your server spend so much time. Increasing net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range doesn't solve the problem, but makes it more likely to find a port that is free.

Lets trace back to the "if" in __inet_bind on #L529:
Since we call bind with sockaddr_in.sin_port set to 0, snum is 0, and we can avoid the whole call chain by setting inet->bind_address_no_port to 1. I.e this patch:
That should allow the kernel to use already in use src ports as long as the TCP 4-tuple is unique.

Please include it in the next tor release! :)

[1]: https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-stop-running-out-of-ephemeral-ports-and-start-to-love-long-lived-connections/

- Anders

On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 10:47 AM Alexander Færøy <ahf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2022/12/01 20:35, Christopher Sheats wrote:
> Does anyone have experience troubleshooting and/or fixing this problem?

Like I wrote in [1], I think it would be interesting to hear if the
patch from pseudonymisaTor in ticket #26646[2] would be of any help in
the given situation. The patch allows an exit operator to specify a
range of IP addresses for binding purposes for outbound connections. I
would think this could split the load wasted on trying to resolve port
conflicts in the kernel amongst the set of IP's you have available for
outbound connections.

All the best,

[1]: https://mastodon.social/@ahf/109382411984106226
[2]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/26646#note_2795959

Alexander Færøy
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