HiJust ~3 weeks before the 34C3, two of our newer Exits were thrown out ofthe consensus weight and since than never came back in.I'm talking about:geri (geri.enn.lu) 93FAB6F91C2EF33D0ACEEF7448177FCA2CEB99A0freki (freki.enn.lu) C8AB1B2AF0CBAAE3611A814B4C7D38DCE0CBFEB4We tried to purge the Tor installation, generate completely new keys,switched to alpha versions, switched back to stable, waited for weeksbut it's always the same result.Only the authority servers moria1, longc. and dizum seem to "recognise"our exits.The logs say the same for every authority server except the 3 onesmentioned above:[info] handle_response_fetch_desc(): Received http status code 404("Servers unavailable") from server '' while fetching"/tor/server/d/[__redacted__] I'll try again soon.Any ideas how to fix this?
Check that your IPv6 address is reachable.
Longclaw, dizum, moria1, and faravahar don't check ReachableIPv6. But all the other authorities do:
If that doesn't help, check the votes for your relays at: (Large page)
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