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[tor-relays] ServerAstra from hungary allows exit relays


I want to share my experience with a hoster I discovered about a year
ago: https://serverastra.com/

I set up a non-exit relay in feburary 2012. They offer a VPS with
100Mbit unmetered traffic for about 15$/month. Here are the vnstat
stats: http://paste.scratchbook.ch/view/26af6ae0

Recently, I asked them if I am allowed to run an exit-relay.
They answered:

For now our ToS allows Tor nodes. but please be advised they are really
easy to abuse. We will try to protect the network with our firewall in
case of problems (we already experienced spam from ToR networks). In
any case a ticket will be opened upon abuse case and we will try to
keep both sides confidentiality during negotiation. Happy New Year!

They are really cooperative! They also set me up a reverse DNS. So
everything runs fine and fast. Although they sometimes encounter
problems with DDOS-attacks, which affects the bandwith. But this only
happened twice last year.


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