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Re: [tor-relays] The Onion Box v4.1

Hi is there an option to show connections ?
Expl. Nyx, on page 2 can i see connections.

regards Steffen

Am 15.01.2018 um 00:03 schrieb Ralph Wetzel <theonionbox@xxxxxxx>:

Good evening!
I've released today v4.1 of The Onion Box, the web interface to monitor your Tor nodes in action.
Some bugs have been fixed, and the whole package was adapted to be installable from PyPI, the Python Package Index!
Thus there's no longer the need to grab the latest version from GitHub & manually install it and all dependencies. Just do a 'pip install theonionbox' (preferably within a Python Virtual Environment) ... and the installation procedure commences.
Those changes - as well as the procedure to create a virtualenv - are reflected in the new Getting Started chapter of the reworked README.
To check for further details follow www.theonionbox.com - which will lead you to the GitHub repository.
Give it a try! I'm looking forward receiving your feedback and answering your questions.
Best Regards,
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