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Re: [tor-relays] Remove IP from list of known Tor exit nodes

Hi again,

> Dear all,
> By mistake I routed exit traffic from my Tor exit node through an IP
> that is used for NAT'ing where I live, for a short time. So now the NAT
> ip is found on https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses which is a
> bit unfortunate, since cloudFlare now does CAPCHA check on my NAT traffic.

In the previous msg I just repeated the exit-addresses URL. I actually
meant to ask: for how long has the Exit been offline? The oldest by
LastStatus are now from 2017-03-01 ~15:00.

> Is there a way to remove my NAT ip from the list of Tor exit nodes? The
> NAT address does not see any Tor traffic anymore.
> Best regards,
> Paw
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