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Re: [tor-relays] Torservers relay family decreased?
- To: tor-relays@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Torservers relay family decreased?
- From: Moritz Bartl <moritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 23:24:36 +0200
- Autocrypt: addr=moritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsFNBFtDmlgBEADcuG3ZJUrUbJOtnVBnw1EbjlWuIbMEWxRB8dk0lhc3B/pinUpq7PC0SNGR 5Z8/U9GfWIwueQpMD1cx6hXzqroAm5w2r74uQh7PJfh9t90vLEr+2OfHHMiMR6jbJhNfA81v h4IJetpvlR/ZTn6I+homuyvVjbdgwcGPO5i2aGAm+iIl8TbJoG7bLHz6+nsWfi2zjH0h8MTN vNQmVF7XHaPta1+HO/CPKuPJ4WkYvlKKTgmVsEKjRBqSln2+VkXhwIaCFyC6dRFvwxR/Gb9k 1012SvIqwotLCnnCyGXqB0xzXseHpldprCd0rYtLa6njntJMbloRbiWubh8Dl2ItCJ2S/aOp RFDw+gCvKd1gOArwi8HIOIo9qnNlZLVPuHqpMV4qx7s0HUXosKRafFGxK+50WHB6eOjj8xTl XMwkiZQgdXlfNjjQnOjbqMrgtcIWA2/qIty0JC8awLUL9MrfojdKOv07ejg4M2fQvM9pwia1 ky29IKEziG+ZkQpZmTiGnANx+uYOR/ZhtBAoBS7ugiS7qMMQiUYao3tasHU36Tix8BeWHnhs lTqbMqvnawctZ6YuKdihw9j/eXXg0fv+SdF/74sqS78nqrDICteMgiMIgoOg/QyFLsswcEp0 wjTz/Bvh9tGmrOKWJZdrHP+fOHF9BdA/gzqd77m/hVSgrRlaywARAQABzSNNb3JpdHogQmFy dGwgPG1vcml0ekBoZWFkc3Ryb25nLmRlPsLBlwQTAQoAQQIbAQUJA8JnAAULCQgHAgYVCgkI CwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgBYhBHo9rUQIoACbTenIVYWO4cO4pFaNBQJbQ5vaAhkBAAoJEIWO4cO4 pFaNQMoQANu3B6Obcb/t25L4+KhwbYE8AQ3GPb/BcxSniFwZx6Kr6TrAaWtqNu9LVCErYcKa n+gTZSwaVD7U0KJp+ZMW4yaGGF8T6ePefeaYRUF7qsN7aNTjOzoUID/XP05HG+daz37hUiDC aZfife5QvG5SpkEseDXz2hsqPxQj1rA5KdjwlTF2HzuaGJFsAgvsG791f0cv8mImmL2gldtH JQ8kLdnZHiLS9z6mN8BvsDk6Whbxz+cVifu1jJ/qQRM9ANj3zdy5Si2en2RACuTENhLV0LR/ A4KPgP75sKsmn2hEhzG7pRmzCmeGB5kJ2oztJIU/iOeMJ28rRjkk8O6QOh/ofS0c7rbZQTgf Lntk03jD3AQojBGumTal+Xq9q/Cuo583slFe7ikRRTu7IM5Fox6B33UT5ckIpaZXvf89RzEq z9O8I0mo5l2fkSmSnsPvKohQ90y5tjQdSP98N6Ro5//5X7kLJyc+JWyxFSSmhp2BmM3E4Pah RSti5fwn9AUVJcU8MV2QQVqqGVV6DR/dGzUw+TnNc/Y9ZrxeXDBkJ7D1wXUNbavY179cbZ6A 1s0TVY8cEh0IUi7G8AiSr6x805WjmH5md0O0Ejn4ER/OuYzLY7iZFInk5hLLUBEtP6RhZWbx VUXBiDstuS4e67mZoRHtq6OXrQRuTmGkATiObROvt/WczsBNBFtDm4IBCADPcYQotET00hFI qHP8pyE7gbfEE7vw2aJvz+X0vgV5JHzAqaeRHPYVZEJyYZdwpPWfhMq9jBV00mKBGYmEh/VI 7AAvmHP5TaLsHmckUc2r41FlRWdgpD5tO+t5Y7IsTzxCQ1GyAQFr6kwiRfD9EwfX/Ri+BI0V O817uWQGcF3Ju94ud+DAQctuUf3A1zSM+/L7SZmXYxHNL6NHKVp0kFPHlfxHJSrpwYAIecUE KZboHhG999gZkbfWTNldaxJKvDBcX7sCC5UWyT9m/mufuYw4kBRGmEJrJ+xNHbLttwybMpCo tx5+0U2Ccrvi8EsNxDvnb2r5IPRrgo0HMgce9z+1ABEBAAHCwXwEGAEKACYWIQR6Pa1ECKAA m03pyFWFjuHDuKRWjQUCW0ObggIbDAUJA8JnAAAKCRCFjuHDuKRWjS0bD/94bJJum/Vihni4 8Oq3ndg+TpLLiZDBGLRXtoQ0man791yVk9NdAdR7v1uec2mf/36mAUL01YN13mwWcUgjKxCA fEC0Jo/vTKSJbdWK+9MfDg5TttLVhV1eAhZYwhQJnS/HxExcygDsq3Q9n1QbqgGk1G49gA0a hflMdCuM6Snomwo7jm8JZV54GVtIPJB2sMfjXupfWm9kVUr0k8cR5gJjugTxU/2rGGdtwzoT 9td4yrajY68jJxkQReoXf1+kNWyfd/1BWrpHyzemvXxwfnW4zXEsVElmdTZ/yylk0UcagkWO 6lLeT6vVahXvNmkk4WMNOSfQQHEQIKEFUwrzQYEw2bIdELn6Sm/9BcB/hHPRQrL7znhRtgZ7 5eDG9vt+jYUz/Tax9Dj/3F27Wl/JSyFiJSKKhH6QoEpQuIzU+xPNErQNfgf+M+lz96XCtD1H zqpQRB8D/cM4Rzt4wozneT7QtX68+0g1iYNHaKN6BHSMRpuFXtxY50l9sQXwWWQF++32oYd+ MKL0FoEhlUyzSg2P3eeSFZhNzZ5lkjnmGJyUFcBQ9CJfeJhlncKjO/FAYfRKXDtEjBXp2mo8 yx77p6jyIWbZIua7/ZF8ex9zSycRpLmwiuDckF6n/hiUE3lt9mYpWAIv1th2887R2Ng5n+am JXIdiKQYIg0hMerTuTaTBg==
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On 08.09.2018 09:43, Tobias Westerhever wrote:
> (a) Torservers relay family decreased?
> The organisation used to maintain much more relays than their
> family [1] currently contains. At the moment, only four relays
> located in NL belong to them, while the Metrics page indicates
> some orphaned family members.
Please note: "Torservers" is a umbrella project by 23 organizations
https://torservers.net/partners.html , each of which has their own
independent infrastructure. So far, only the German founding member
Zwiebelfreunde has been using the @torservers.net addresses (which are
open to other members as well), which adds to the confusion.
We are a bunch of volunteers that are very bad about keeping everything
well documented. There is nothing secret or strange happening, just some
poor overworked few that have failed to attract flesh blood with time to
take over.
We have a bunch of exit relays on our own AS
https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/185.220.102 and the NForce
ones. We used to run more, but are shutting down more and more because
of lack of time to properly maintain everything.
> This coincidences with [2], but I am unaware of any announcements
> of Torservers/Zwiebelfreunde itself (i.e. tight financial
> situation). Does anybody have further details here?
It's less a problem of finances, but of time.
> (b) Who is the operator behind family B771AA877687F88E6F1CA5354756DF6C8A7B6B24 ?
> There are some /24 IPv4 BGP allocations claiming to belong to the
> umbrella organisation "Zwiebelfreunde e.V.", which operate(d|s)
> the relay family mentioned above.
We became RIPE LIR, and as such have a /22 which we can re-assign to
"end users". One such "end user" is nitfy, who was one of the few
interested parties who repied to our offer of IP addresses on tor-relays
some time back.
> However, there is a _huge_ relay family (27 members, with a
> total bandwith of ~ 1,245 MB) located in ,
> which uses Zwiebelfreunde as a contact role and has not been
> changed since 2017-09-08. does not use Zwiebelfreunde as contact role? This is
niftys network, which uses IPs provided by Zwiebelfreunde but admin-c
and tech-c point to nitfy.
> (c) Strange BGP allocations using Zwiebelfreunde as contact role
> At the moment, 9 IPv4 BGP prefixes with a length of /24 are
> known to use a contact role pointing to Zwiebelfreunde [4] .
> These are as follows:
> - (Upstream AS47172 "Greenhost", claims EU, but is likely NL, 0 Tor relays found)
> - (Upstream AS196689 "Digicube", claims EU, but is likely FR, 0 Tor relays found)
> - (Upstream AS60781 "Leaseweb", claims EU, but is likely NL, 0 Tor relays found)
> - (Upstream AS34305 "BaseIP", claims EU, but is likely NL, 0 Tor relays found)
> - (Upstream AS60729 "Zwiebelfreunde" !, claims EU, physical location unknown, 0 Tor relays found)
We used to use those for a larger operation with partner organizations
exclusively for bridges and are in the process of removing them and
givign them back to the IP provider.
> - (Upstream AS60729 "Zwiebelfreunde" !, claims EU, physical location unknown, 0 Tor relays found)
We use this for exits, which are currently down because of some ongoing
maintenance (while I am on vacation writing from a camping site in Italy).
> - (Upstream AS200052 "Joshua Peter McQuistan", claims DE, physical location unknown, 27 Tor relays found)
There should also be in use for exits by another
organization, and currently unassigned.
> 2. The appearing relays solely belong to the strange and huge
> family mentioned in (b) , which cannot be exactly pinpointed to
> be run by Torservers/Zwiebelfreunde.
We own the IP space, but have delegated them to other parties for actual
exit operation.
> 3. I suspected the mentioned IP ranges to be fakely allocated
No, everything is correct, just heavily underdocumented and not well
maintained. :)
Thanks for watching out!
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