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Re: Mapping the physical locations of Tor nodes

> I used that map for a few reasons:
> 1. Images don't require javascript, as already noted
> 2. It's free
> 3. I thought it looked cool.

*Touche'*. Well ... I have exaggerated with the *scherzoso* tone. It's not
that bad, just a bit too dark [and I am using a BenQ Joybook which is equipped
with one of the best displays around].

> they would be satisfied to look at the pretty dots.


You would be surprised [in the 'listening a given tinnitus in your ears'
sense] by reading Adorno'a *getreue Korrepetitor*^1, the Faithful Music
Coach--but but don't [better keeping your statistics going instead].

Again: kudos to your work.


     1. There where he mentions--I am recalling--pretty, colourful 'tickets'
[not dots].
SSSSS . s l a c k w a r e  SSSSSS   ugly face, the mirror is split [blaming
SSSSS +------------ linux  SSSSSS   the wrong cause or creating a scapegoat]