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Re: [tor-talk] Getting Vidalia to Talk to Existing Tor Instance

> What's it take to convince Vidalia to talk to a Tor that the Vidalia didn't start

To start with does the tor instance open a control port?

> My interest here is in monitoring the bandwidth use by Tor.  I run Tor as a service on headless Ubuntu Debian Linux.

For bandwidth monitoring on headless instances arm
(http://www.atagar.com/arm/) is the more common solution. To set it up

- 'apt-get install tor-arm' and if that doesn't work fetch the tarball
from the download site above
- Try arm and if it doesn't run then you probably need to open a
control port. To do this...

Add the following to your torrc (it's most likely located at /etc/tor/torrc):
ControlPort 9051
CookieAuthentication 1

Reset tor with "pkill -sighup tor"

Cheers! -Damian
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