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Re: [tor-talk] traffic down

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:06:12AM -0700, Damian Johnson wrote:
> > BandwidthRate is 20 KB
> That is the very minimum bandwidth rate. Circuits are picked
> heuristically based on the available bandwidth so by setting it to
> such a tiny value you'll be largely unused.

Actually, it's lower than the minimum. Right now moria1 votes for
flags using these cutoffs:

Aug 14 15:50:01.000 [info] Cutoffs: For Stable, 448725 sec uptime,
565689 sec MTBF. For Fast: 32342 bytes/sec. For Guard: WFU 97.989%,
time-known 691200 sec, and bandwidth 128000 or 131072 bytes/sec.

So if you have less than 32KB/s of bandwidthrate, you won't get
the Fast flag, and basically all the clients will ignore you.

See also


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