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Re: javaprogram using tor

On Oct 28, 2007 12:36 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <jch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [ configuring SOCKS in java ]

you can also use the system and/or user level deployment properties
file to set the SOCKS proxy settings:

> Note however that Java most probably implements SOCKS with IP
> addresses, and unless you take special precautions, you will suffer
> from DNS leaks.  Which may or may not be a problem for your application.

this is correct.  the only way to do this securely is via transparent Tor proxy.
(it may be possible to implement your own lookups through Tor via JNDI
naming service hooks, but this would require a significant effort and
still leave you vulnerable to third party jars and such...)

best regards,