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Re: Very low performance in CriptolabTORRelays*

El 03/12/10 09:18, Olaf Selke escribió:
On 03.12.2010 08:40, Daniel Franganillo wrote:

Well, im not asking for help to run a Tor relay, I did it for more than
a year without problems. Im asking for help to gather intel so I can
make an statement to our ISP (I work at a Dept. in a univeristy) to
unblock Tor.

why don't you ask them?

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Well, you know, network administrators are one species by themself. My University spent almost 1M€ (yeah, one million) in a network filtering infrastructure and we're still waiting to know *What* they are filtering and *why* (here we make network research and we need to know if something fails and why); that was one year ago... So no, I've not asked for an answer on Do you block TOR?. But I know for certain what they will answer, nothing.

   Daniel Franganillo Corrales
e-mail: danielf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CriptoLab. Despacho 6305.
Facultad de Informática.
Campus de Montegancedo S/N
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Boadilla del Monte. Madrid (Spain)
Teléfono - 91 336 (3673)

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