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Visualization: Tor nodes on Google Maps and Google Earth


I wrote a small ugly Python script to visualize Tor relays on Google
Maps and Google Earth. You can see the result here:

* Open KML file in Google Maps:

* Download tormap.kml for Google Earth

The KML standard is being pushed by Google and should work for
OpenStreetMap, too, but I couldn't get it to load there. Feel free to
modify the script to generate other outputs.
The initial idea was to scale the marker size to show the relay's
bandwidth, but Google Maps does not support this.

The markers might give a false impression of accuracy. Most IPs can only
be tracked to city level (or even region), ie. the markers are somewhat
near, not necessarily at the real location of the relay.

You can download the script here:
http://www.torservers.net/misc/tormap/tormap.py (LGPL)

This is a one-time snapshot and I will not update it regularly, unless
there is public interest to do so. The bandwidth categories are based on
the reported "observed bandwidth" at the time of creation, so the actual
number of high bandwidth nodes will fluctuate every time the script is
run. It would be nice to extend this script to use longer-term bandwidth
calculation like TorStatus does, and to generate a map over time using
all the consensus data provided at http://archive.torproject.org/. An
example of what this could look like is Vis4Net's Wikileaks Mirror World
Map at http://labs.vis4.net/wikileaks/mirrors/ .

( Mostly copied from my blog at
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