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Re: Any way to secure/anonymize ALL traffic?

Check that: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TransparentProxy


2010/12/22 Praedor Atrebates <praedor@xxxxxxxxx>
I have always been disturbed by the fact that _javascript_ or flash can sidestep tor and give away your real IP.  Is there truly no way to control one's own computer so that any and ALL traffic that goes out to the ethernet port or wlan gets directed through tor no matter what?  Can any combination of software and hardware prevent software on one's own computer from acting the way someone else wants rather than as the owner wants?  I would love to be able to use _javascript_ and flash (some site require one or the other or both to be functional) and know that ANY traffic that exits my own system WILL be directed through the tor network.

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Michael Gomboc
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