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Re: [tor-talk] help - some site DE-anonymize me

Hi Allen,

that seems a plausible explanation. I got a bit parano without reason :)

Thank you!

zalmos is webproxy.  According to GeoIP, its servers are located in
France.  So when you visit another website such as google.com thru
zalmos, the other website (google.com) is probably giving you content
and ads that are appropriate for the country in which the zalmos proxy
server is located (French). That doesn't mean google or zalmos has
traced you back thru Tor.

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 11:15 AM,  <diderot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I would like to report / discuss a strange thing. I run an up to date TorBB on debian, having its security settings to max, the noscript whitelist is empty, cookies & history cleared. Still, when accessing google.com via the webproxy zalmos.com, with a circuit ending in a third country I will be redirected to google.MYCOUNTRY and get ads displayed in MYLANGUAGE from that
same site zalmos.com

Normally, I would expect google.EXIT-SERVER-COUNTRY to be loaded and have EXIT-SERVER-LANGUAGE ads. So, the question is : since there seems evidence that zalmos can at least de-anonymize my country, HOW is that possible??
What can I do? Do you experience the same thing?

Thank you
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